Edux10's WidowCindy Grow


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a lot of ideas in my head right now. I have been doing research on the Cindy 99 and it looks like it will prefrom well. It gets big and finishes fast it looks. I know I may be getting way ahead of myself but I want to find a good daddy, so you guys will get to see that and maybe we can all pick something good to breed it with. I have Bubba Kush, 818 Kush, Snowcap, Babney Blueberry, Voodoo, Grandaddy Purp and Pure Kush, Banana OG and an experment I call Dojha. I am a fan of Kush but I don't know if crossing it would ruin it but it seems like good genes crossed with good genes equal new good genes most of the time, I know there are exceptions. Maybe the WidowCindy would add much needed speed and yeild to the Pure Kush. Wonder what a WidowCindy crossed with Banana OG or Blueberry would taste? I bet a GDP cross would yeild nicely and be purple. My Voodoo (actually my girls Voodoo) grows crazy fast. Maybe cross and get something that flowers in 40 days! I don't know just got me thinking, we have a while to wait either way. And then inbreed it and test those and so on! I promise to put it all up here, it will be a blast!
breeding, awesome. you know you can simply collect pollen from a male specimen and "dab" on a lower bud of a female. get a good male and you could breed all of them. but like you said we might be getting ahead of ourselves.:joint:


Well-Known Member
well see this will be a learning experiene for everyone no matter what your skill level. Hopefully this journal will grow into a couple of good How-to guides!


Well-Known Member
This is the secret to my green thumb.

If you use tap water,
you will end up with dead plants very soon.

This strain is very sensitive to excess calcium.

Switch to RO,
or your options are bleak.


Well-Known Member
Whats up Earl, Well, I have been getting the distilled water at the water station. Its says RO on it for distilled purposes. It is a different button than the drinking water. I just have to fill up 5 gallons a bunch of times. My grow is upstrairs too! I know get the RO. Only problem (besides money) is that my landlord pays the water. I don't know if I can just skip a few showers a week and him not notice I am filling up a 20 gallon res and using another 5-10 gallons to water the moms. But I have stopped using anything that is not labled distilled with RO.


Well-Known Member
OK i see,
you are filling old labeled jugs, right?

I don't think your land lord will notice an extra 60 gls per week.

Save a few flushes of the toilet and take one less shower,
if you have to.

My water bill doesn't change more than $2-3 /mo when I'm growing.
and I use lots of water, cause I'm the landlord.

Unless your in AZ or somewhere they don't have water.

It is very hard to grow in rental property,
good luck.


Well-Known Member
yeah, old water jugs! I am at a rental too, it sucks but what can you do. I have been here for over a year and a half an no problems yet! Im getting pics up for you all in a second.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted everyone to know that you should go by what day the post says not the date of the post. You can also see the date in all the pictures.

Day 4- Check it out. This is what I mean by them being fast! They have only been out of the paper towel for 2 days now! Nice.

I have just left them alone and am letting them grow. I want to flush them out with RO water but all the RO water I have already has nutes in it so hopefully soon, they seem to be fine right now.


Well-Known Member
4 of the 8 are now popped up! I think I will only be keeping those 8 to keep everything on the same page. I might put a couple pics up in a minute but will probably wait after that so it doesn't get to monotonious.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH SHIT-------here comes the WIDOW!!!!-----------very nice------I want to see some massive buds just dripping with dank from you/EARL/and the growing crew over the next couple of months:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
So Earl, you got me interested in the RO machine! What is the flow rate on the one you have? Like say if I had to change that 20 gallon res how long would it take? Then after that is filled I can just put one of those float valves in there to keep topping it off right? How many times do you check your pH a day when you add RO water to your res?


Well-Known Member
You need to buy pure RO from the store.

Please stop using that drinking water.

Read the label carefully.

It has calcium chloride added to it.

The calcium will kill the plant.

You need distilled, or Pure RO.


No one has completed a WC grow.

One grower tried to use tapwater,
and the plants died.

This is the secret to my green thumb.

If you use tap water,
you will end up with dead plants very soon.

This strain is very sensitive to excess calcium.

Switch to RO,
or your options are bleak.
So, yeah tapwater is ok to use?


Well-Known Member
OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH SHIT-------here comes the WIDOW!!!!-----------very nice------I want to see some massive buds just dripping with dank from you/EARL/and the growing crew over the next couple of months:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
What up doc!! I didn't even see you stopped by untill right now. Keep checking back on this one!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I mentioned this but I put the sprouts under my floro bank

I will boost them closer to the light soon so they don't get too strecthed out. Probably move them in a day or so.

here are the specs if you are interested

I keep this puppy on for 24 hours a day. All my mommys and clones are under it too. It is over a 2x4 tray in a closet. Temps are between 78 and at very highest (on a hot day) 89 but I usually maintain it at about 84. I know it is a little high, humidity is usually at about 30 percent (I know, I little low). Anyone know a good way to boost the humidity a little without using a humidifier? I put a tray of water in there and it doesn't really do anything.
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Well-Known Member
Ive been busy lately. I saw the Melvins at the Velvet Jones. It was pretty cool but I got pretty sleepy and took the 3 hour drive home about an hour into the set. Other than that on the Grow side I have just been keeping a little standing water on the plate and they are doing great. I ll get you guys a pic later. Nothing too exciting though.
Im going to go see the new Batman Its a private screening at midnight. My buddys already saw it and said it was cool. Im down:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Here is what they look like. I am starting to loose track of days so just look on the camera. I have to set the time but they are accurate.

See the sprouts take off. Just been giving them water like I said.

Not to get off topic but here are some of my other plants. I am trying to mother them out. In a couple weeks I will probably take cuttings from them, either that or take one cutting clone that and flower the plant. I havent decided yet.

My buddy gave me these seeds to try too. He said it was all grom really good stuff from an LA area co op. We'll see. He insisted that I call the really tiger striped one "Tiger"

Ok back to the WidowCindy


Well-Known Member
So I didn't get to see the Dark Knight lastnight. By buddy said he could get me tickets but I guess all seats sold out. Like 1000 tickets sold. I was trying to go for free so whatever, I ll see it soon enough.

To make out for that I did go to my, as of now, favorite co-op. I like it cuz it has clones and they dont get too crazy with the prices. They give out samples a lot of the time too. They treat you well. I got this OG kush.

It was the best looking in my opinion but it was one of the cheaper OG's (they had like 20 different OG's!!)

My girlfriend got some "Earwax" that was nice. It was sundried honey oil basically. Really potent. It was clumping up cuz it was in the high 90degrees outside. Sticky sticky.

I threw these Bubba Kushes into flower too. I know they are pretty hacked up and weird looking (in the pics you can't really see them) but there is the strain Im trying to develop in the middle of the pic. The one with big indica leaves.

It is supposidly from "OG Kush" but I don't know. It was dank bud. I might be able to find a picture. But I am trying to find a good indica that is pretty fast, gets to be a big fat bush you know. I want the high to be very medicating and relaxing. Like a painkiller of THC. No mind racing high. I want something to bring a warm feeling throughout the body for medical people that need it for serious illnesses like cancer and such. Something that you can be awake and cohearnet but feeling good with a smile on your face and all. I think I want to add a nice berry flavor and maybe something for color and I think I will have a real winner.

As you can tell now I like the indicas. I used to be a big sativa guy but its good to change it up and I am in an indica phase right now. After I get that Happy indica I want to make a Motivating sativa. I know they exist and they are great. Flow or Flo by DJ Short is great, I hear Motivation and F13 are also good, This Cindy has got me excited too because it is a sativa so I can start looking for what I want.

They are doing great today. I will stop babbling and put the pics up of how big they are. My buddys seedlings are doing good about as fast as mine. There is a little bit of bad news that I will get to in the next post. Other than that fine.
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Well-Known Member
Ok this is what I was talking about

I don't really know what happened. It was like that and I thought maybe it was thirsty, but the soil around it was wet. I gave it more water anyway thinking maybe there was an air pocket. Well, it has been a bit (like 12 hrs) and it hasn't came back. That is ok. I was going to give that one to my buddy to try organic outdoor, I will just have to give him the other one which is doing fine still.
You can see the others are doing well,

Probably transplant them tommrow if I am not too busy! Now that I am not sick anymore it seems like I don't have any time to just me and my lady but that is fine we both like seeing our beloved friends too kiss-ass

Also I have been doing some research on BHO after my girlfriend got that "Earwax" from the co-op. I was thinking how cool would it be to have like an ounce or 2m for headstash. I guess the best you can really do is about 2.5 grams per half ounce and that is really good. I know a lot of people dont like that stuff becuase it has butane in it. ( I think it might all evaporate that is why they call the butane a solvent) I just hate some friends that come over and no matter how much you pack them they are never stoned enough and always want more. Well having something like this will smoke them under the table and they will be like " Im good" you know when they wont take anymore cuz they are too stoned! Ha

Got some new clones from the club, Afgoo, Af Kush, Purple Voodoo (I already had this but got another cut from a friend) and OG (OG didn't have any roots coming out the bottom so we will see if it roots). I got some info on the Purple Voodoo and it looks nice. I saw a pic and it is one of the most purple plants I have ever seen. It looks like a neon purple!! Nice! Fast sativa. I want to flower mine right now but I don't know if it will get too tall in my room. We will see if I get the urge..

Check this out these are pretty cool. I realize you can make these pretty easy but it is just what this guy uses you cant hate on that. I want to make it that clear amber stuff. That is better for me than the straight oil and easier to handle than the "budder". I also saw on another forum they have glass tube to make it like kind of like a bong tube. I am really just now learning about making good oil. I have made bubble hash before but that is a little different.

Ok one last thing. Off topic a little again but I finally got my flowering room to stay at 83 degrees F. I had to pull cold air in through the light. It works great. It is a passive cooling setup and it doesn't take air from the flower room at all just in one side and out the other side of the room. Being that my light is on at night too it is always cooled by cold nighttime air. Nice. I could probable get my plants like 4 inches away from the hood but I will play it safe and kee[]D it further.
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Well-Known Member
The WidowCindys are going well today. I will be back with puctures from the transplant soon. Feel Free to post comments of what you think or any questions you have or pointer for me.