Einhorn IS Finkle!!! Or no sleep has made me Something Something...


Well-Known Member
I can't see the 'new thread' icon?? Am I going mad? Where's it gone? Lol
If you're on a phone I hear it's at the bottom of the page.
No, i also dont know what section this thread is in.. and there are weird triangles in the header

I just pretend the site is ran and developed by rere's..only thing thatmakes sense to me.

We're in the tote n talk, I believe. Aka real talk sex talk with @Flaming Pie .

I KNEW we could Sue Johansen it up in here.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I use the word retard as a loving jab at friends.

Since when did Toke n Talk become PC central?

Do you listen to music that uses the words nigga or motherfucka?

Some people repurpose words in friendly situations.


Well-Known Member
Cum loving twat faces.

Slurry boxed wenches

Cock gobbling ass pirates

I think it's all funny when meant in good fun.

I just never heard "rere" before. Tend to go for downs or tarded.


Well-Known Member

You fucks. Always gotta have someone to hate.

How come its never @ebgood love you?

Oh, well I guess I just did.

@roseypeach - love you too!
ditto @Yessica... !!!

I think I'm back..lol every time I get ready to settle in, I remember something I need to do. My life seems to be getting busier and busier. Guess its that time of year? o_O

Hey I'm thinking about a quick eat I can make with peanut butter, hershey's syrup and a piece of bread?
I saw something about Reese's cups earlier and its got me craving some. I'm thinking of lacing it with some of this NYC diesel :mrgreen: