Motherfucking bullies. Thugs. The sort of cocksuckers that enjoyed kicking down sandcastles the younger kids were making. Forcing their will on people they know can't fight back, simply because they can.
And what is being enforced is THEIR will. Not the will of the people who's taxes PAY THEIR MOTHERFUCKING WAGES.
You fucking wannabe commandos with your brand new perfectly creased camouflage assault suits and your shiny black unscuffed tactical combat boots, and your shiny and well-oiled but seldom fired machine guns that you point at peaceful people that you KNOW FULL WELL are unarmed and would never think of resisting arrest. Nothing compensates for having a small penis quite like making an unarmed woman cower and cry, does it? Fucking punks.
Well, rock on, fellas. You go ahead and impose YOUR will on the people who pay not only your wages, but also for your kids and your disappointed wives to have medical and dental. For every tax paying club you close, there's a guy like me that is more than happy to provide meds to the people that need them, and I won't declare a fucking cent, you idiots.
Public fucking servants. When is the last time you cowards busted a real meth lab? Oh yeah, those guys might shoot back. Too dangerous.