El Paso County (Colorado Springs) approves ban on retail pot


Funny I thought it was up to the people... not five fascist tits that are so draconian in theyre ways that I feel compelled To attach a ball and chain to my leg...
This isn't a bad thing IMO... If all counties would ban it then, Phillip Morris might keep their filthy hands off of our Cannabis..I can only Imagine.... A lot to be sorted out, Before the big corporations get the jump start with their financial advantage and pollute the Cannabis market...
This isn't a bad thing IMO... If all counties would ban it then, Phillip Morris might keep their filthy hands off of our Cannabis..I can only Imagine.... A lot to be sorted out, Before the big corporations get the jump start with their financial advantage and pollute the Cannabis market...

Bans like this will not apply to people like Phillip Morris if they decide they want in on the game. All they will need to do is grease a few palms and they will have an exception carved out for them. How do you think Sativex became legal to sell in places marijuana is illegal? That shit is nothing other than cannabis tincture delivered in spray form, and backed by lots of money delivered to the right people.
I can agree with that...even if the market was limited They can create it ..I just don't want them carving the initial niche into the market.
The thing is, Phillip Morris doesn't do niche products. They make mass market products for people who don't care about quality. Even in the tobacco world there is room for niche products. If American Spirit can survive in the cancer stick market, then surely there is plenty of room for quality cannabis in a legalized market.

This is the point I think Chef is trying to get through Hydroton's thick skull in the Economics... thread. Unfortunately Chef has no chance there. Some people cannot be reasoned with.
I don't care. I can grow plants in my basement and keep every thing I pull.
The only people that can do anything about it are the POS feds that said they are not worried about me.

If shit companies get involved in cannabis, that will only mean that cannabis is legitimized enough to the point companies will want to step in.
does anyone believe big companies will start producing weed while it is still illegal under federal law?

It is not going to happen. They have too much to lose until the feds pull their heads out of their asses.

Even if big compasnies start producing weed, that doesn't mean you have to consume it.

I can grill a hamburger, I do not have to eat shit McDonalds.
I can grow weed and buy good stuff if I want in stores, why would I buy some Monsanto weed?

By banning stores they make more small time, personal growers. More growers is a good thing.

The only thing I need stores for is vape cartridges. I got along fine for the past 30 years without them. I can get along fine with legal growing/possession/consumption.
Chef, I do share your sentiments regarding Draconian law and such. Although, I do agree that this will boost the amount of small scale growers. It pisses me off on the one hand as they infringe on liberty, on the other hand I laugh at their policies implemented to regulate a market that in fact redirects it back underground.
I don't care.
Great! :confused:

I can grow plants in my basement and keep every thing I pull.
The only people that can do anything about it are the POS feds that said they are not worried about me.

Your grow won't be affected, but what about the democratic process? All that money, time, and effort spent on promoting and passing Amendment 64 to be shit on by only five people slightly irks me. Yes, they are operating within the statutes of Amendment 64; on the other hand they are shitting on the majorities vote. It's a matter of principle rather than a practical matter. The end result won't be drastically different. A few unincorporated areas will get their cannabis from home grows instead of shops: great! Still yet, a handful of ignorant people can over ride an entire states citizenship. I care!
Unfortunately, Phillip morris (just corp example) will make shit products and people will buy it...does anyone else experience that 3/4 people, who smoke and grow marijuana , have no idea what good cannabis is and should taste like? they buy and smoke and grow trash that wasnt dried or cured properly or P.M bullshit they wouldn't even know the difference ....these are the folks I think about that might get drawn into the corporate Mj world....People say im picky around here because they cant grow and cure cannabis, wtf am i living on Mars?
Well if the big tobacco companies want a piece of the pie they will most likely start with Washington state since there's no competition besides other businesses. No need to worry about everyone and their grandma growing for themselves. That be my plan if I was in charge of the marijuana department of Phillip Morris.
I don't care. I can grow plants in my basement and keep every thing I pull.
The only people that can do anything about it are the POS feds that said they are not worried about me.

If shit companies get involved in cannabis, that will only mean that cannabis is legitimized enough to the point companies will want to step in.
does anyone believe big companies will start producing weed while it is still illegal under federal law?

It is not going to happen. They have too much to lose until the feds pull their heads out of their asses.

Even if big compasnies start producing weed, that doesn't mean you have to consume it.

I can grill a hamburger, I do not have to eat shit McDonalds.
I can grow weed and buy good stuff if I want in stores, why would I buy some Monsanto weed?

By banning stores they make more small time, personal growers. More growers is a good thing.

The only thing I need stores for is vape cartridges. I got along fine for the past 30 years without them. I can get along fine with legal growing/possession/consumption.

Well a few points
legal to sell means
-big tobacco can sell some shit that is 10x stronger than you will ever grow
-FDA will eventually get involved
-USDA will eventually get involved
-Big tobacco will use front companys to lobby for regulations and licensing (let me know if you can afford a 500k license) just to make it illegal for you to grow ...again

I think the best course and law would be
Legal to possess and grow
Illegal to sell

Then goverment and big business wont get involved at all
Ten times stronger sounds a lil optimistic... but I can see the some fuct possibility of truth in the rest. Lord knows that what phillip and joe would want...
Maybe I'm just really stoned but I think you guys are misunderstanding what it's saying. There's nothing saying they're banning them in ALL of el paso
county. All that they're doing is forcing the recrational facilities to be in more populated areas. Areas like the springs will probably still have shops but
out in Black Forest or peyton and such there can be no shops. I would imagine this is to make sure that the police forces will be able to monitor things easier as well as
it will leave many areas pot free for many people to who might not like it.
IMO, I don't think we have to worry about PM showing up in CO anytime soon. If/when the Feds give states a waiver on the CSA of 1970 for those states that choose to legalize cannabis, then PM and the rest will jump in, but they grow most of their tobacco overseas as the labor cost is far less expensive (tobacco is pretty labor intensive, more on that below) and I expect they would do the same with weed. When I go back to GA to visit, I see less and less tobacco in the fields.

I feel that I am qualified to speak on tobacco as my first paying job was when I was 12 yrs old (30+ yrs ago) and started working in the tobacco fields in GA. I got paid $100/wk for working 5 days, 12 to 14 hours per day. The fields I worked in were "fill" tobacco (i.e. cigarette fill, the lowest grade of leaf possible). We made a pass through the fields topping and suckering when the plants would get up about 5' high and then started cropping (bottom leaves ripen first, typically pick 2 to 4 leaves from bottom every few weeks until stalk is bare), but the farmers would invariably grow too much and hire too few workers, so they would have to spray the fields while the stalk still had 1/2 to 2/3 of the leaves green.... I don't know what the spray was, but the rest of the leaves would turn yellow within a week, then we would go through the field like a horde of locust stripping the stalks bare. From there the tobacco got hung in racks in a "barn" that looked more like an industrial double wide house trailer, and then they force cure with gas burners. For those of you that still smoke cigs, sorry for the inside dope on the quality of cig tobacco... it's been 30 years, I'm sure they use healthier means now :roll:

Having said all of that, I'm with chef, they shouldn't make a call like that unilaterally... did they even take public comments before ruling? Our recourse is to vote them out of course.

My 2 cents.

Bubba, another interusting post. I especially like the healthier means part. Wonder what the spray was..
dispo your making me jealous :)
I'm neutral about this county ban. I see both sides, dunno... both seem fine.

Maybe in 20 years, the unincorporated areas of the county will not be able to sell bud, thus promoting tourists from out of the county to shop in town.