Election 2016- Vote here

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Well-Known Member
I think Trump's appeal isn't Trump as much as it is anti-Obama.

I think a lot of people, whether right or wrong, have been so turned off by what they perceive as immigration overload, bending over backwards to accomodate LGBT, a lack of recognizing "Radical Islam terrorism" where it obviously applies (i.e. undisputed acts of terrorism perpetuated by radical members of Islam). And NRA bashing.

And it should not be forgotten that the GOP front runners for most of this race have been non-politicians.

Trump represents "Fuck you Washington". And that's his appeal to most of the people who support him.

I find this whole election more intriguing than any I've ever seen.
Yeah, they are saying Fuck you Washington. I think they enjoy it when Trump says the things they would like to say. But really, look at the numbers. Republicans, the card carrying types that will vote in their primaries, are only about 23% of the voting-eligible population. Trump polls for about 30% of that. So all this hullabaloo is over what? 7% of this country's voters?. That's his hard core base. To get this, Trump has alienated most minorities, women, youth of all groups and white guys that can't stand bigots. Unimpressed regarding his chances at the White House. Bernie or Clinton wipe him and his bad hair out of the national scene.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ Your kidding right ??? i mean i think people are going to be shocked when i comes down to who is going to win Hillary shes out Bernie should of ran for for governor he is a real idiot with his ideas like lets tax the rich lmao what a idiot more or less rob the rich right


Well-Known Member
Define fair share because his plan is a graduated scale up to 90%. If someone took 9 out of every 10 dollars you earned, would you think it was 'fair' ?
if it is a scale that goes up to 90%, but less than 90% at every step along the way, how would they take 9 out of every 10 dollars?

do you not get how simple math works?


Well-Known Member
^^^^ Your kidding right ??? i mean i think people are going to be shocked when i comes down to who is going to win Hillary shes out Bernie should of ran for for governor he is a real idiot with his ideas like lets tax the rich lmao what a idiot more or less rob the rich right
Well, I guess you have a different opinion. Not backed up by anything. Seems like that opinion was pulled from your ass rather than anything substantial.


Well-Known Member
if it is a scale that goes up to 90%, but less than 90% at every step along the way, how would they take 9 out of every 10 dollars?

do you not get how simple math works?
Declare 7% > 93% Then ramp up the conservative media sound machine to call everybody that disagrees a liar. Invoke obscure passages of the bible and the second amendment. That's conservative math.


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing wrong with a good fat wife. Ever sell cars? Fat wives sell A LOT of cars.

Heres what i dont get, why would anyone on a pot forum admit to voting for someone that wont legalize pot? Do you really think that if trump or hillary get in office that we will have legalized pot? No we'll have to wait another 8 years. I was hopeful for the pot smoking black dude would do something. He let me down. But thats the only area he let me down in. In time Obama will go down as one of the greatest presidents we've ever had.


Well-Known Member
if it is a scale that goes up to 90%, but less than 90% at every step along the way, how would they take 9 out of every 10 dollars?

do you not get how simple math works?
The graduated step tops at 53% I need to fully review this is based on Sanders quote during debate if I'm not mistaken.


Well-Known Member
The graduated step tops at 53% I need to fully review this is based on Sanders quote during debate if I'm not mistaken.
So you support him based on what he says?

Do you also believe the emails from African dignitaries who need your help to quickly move their money out of their country?