Hah! I knew it!When I taught at the college
FAOWe don’t call disc golf frisbee golf god damnif!
Hah! I knew it!When I taught at the college
FAOWe don’t call disc golf frisbee golf god damnif!
I never thought of that. $10M (about what FNN made off one day's dissemination of election fraud news audiences) and it's a done deal.discuss the possibility of a settlement
The election was 100% corrupted. In fact corruption is so deeply imbedded into the american politics that every election over the past 40 years has been corrupt.
Only a fool would think otherwise.
Such an inspirational, fact based message. This and the assertion that America is not a democracy (aka "mob rule") ought to be front and center in right wing messaging. Throw in how right wingers cast themselves as patriots for trying to violently overthrow an election and I'm sure that will be a winning strategy to make America great. Sarcasm intended.The election was 100% corrupted. In fact corruption is so deeply imbedded into the american politics that every election over the past 40 years has been corrupt.
Only a fool would think otherwise.
only a troll says only a fool.Such an inspirational, fact based message. This and the assertion that America is not a democracy (aka "mob rule") ought to be front and center in right wing messaging. Throw in how right wingers cast themselves as patriots for trying to violently overthrow an election and I'm sure that will be a winning strategy to make America great. Sarcasm intended.
The GOP lost its way and most of the people who still support it are those for whom democracy is a little too tough for to understand and participate competently. The shortcut for those folks is to vote for people who hate the same people as them.
With regard to elections, only a fool would think that the absence of evidence is proof of a fact or that actual proof of a fact is evidence of its non existence.
there are independent people who monitor our elections, and they were not corrupt, and anyone that thinks they were is a qanon believing moron.The election was 100% corrupted. In fact corruption is so deeply imbedded into the american politics that every election over the past 40 years has been corrupt.
Only a fool would think otherwise.
hanging chads were still around in 2000.So sometime in the mid eighty’s the US election system went to shit? That was back when we were still using punch cards.
Despite everything Trump and his followers did to wreck the election. They disenfranchised millions for no good reason, they took away voter drop boxes and posted armed "observers" at the ones they couldn't, by law, remove: they slowed down the mail service; in blue districts, they had fewer voting sites and gave them shitty poorly maintained equipment; in red districts they had many voting sites and gave those the best equipment. At each and every turn, when they could, they did all they could to give Trump the advantage. To give themselves favor to win the House, they Gerrymandered the shit out of their states.The election was 100% corrupted. In fact corruption is so deeply imbedded into the american politics that every election over the past 40 years has been corrupt.
Only a fool would think otherwise.
All of the activity you mention above seem pretty fraudulent. Aka corruptDespite everything Trump and his followers did to wreck the election. They disenfranchised millions for no good reason, they took away voter drop boxes and posted armed "observers" at the ones they couldn't, by law, remove: they slowed down the mail service; in blue districts, they had fewer voting sites and gave them shitty poorly maintained equipment; in red districts they had many voting sites and gave those the best equipment. At each and every turn, when they could, they did all they could to give Trump the advantage. To give themselves favor to win the House, they Gerrymandered the shit out of their states.
Despite all of that. Despite everything they did. They lost. They lost the popular vote too. By a whopping large margin.
After that, they spread lies about the election and the President of the United States conspired with other people in power to overthrow the election. Together, they organized an armed and bloody insurrection.
Through all of that our democracy survived and the election was the cleanest this country has ever held.
Only a fool would think otherwise. We have a lot of fools in this nation. But those who can see clearly outnumber them.
So suck it.
@DeadHeadX thinks elections are real. He alsostill believes in the Easter bunny
All of the activity you mention above seem pretty fraudulent. Aka corrupt
If you are implying that the republicans are corrupt, i'll help you...THEY ARE!....@DeadHeadX thinks elections are real. He alsostill believes in the Easter bunny
All of the activity you mention above seem pretty fraudulent. Aka corrupt
I don’t think it’s a “both sides” type of thing when it comes to election deniers. It was a fair election. The maga faithful went to all lengths to prove otherwise. The Chump spent all the generous donations foolish people are willing to send him (giving money to a dude with a private jet! C’mon, man!), and they found absolutely nothing.It's a "both sides" type argument. How you take it depends on perspective.
Someone could argue PACs influencing an election is a corrupting force, given the prevalence of issues they reject the whole notion. I dont agree with it, but I get it.
I don’t think it’s a “both sides” type of thing when it comes to election deniers. It was a fair election. The maga faithful went to all lengths to prove otherwise. The Chump spent all the generous donations foolish people are willing to send him (giving money to a dude with a private jet! C’mon, man!), and they found absolutely nothing.