electric usag and cops


Well-Known Member
Don't steal power, pay your bill, and get rid of the chickenshit wiring - you know...that extension cord that is too skinny or the breakers that are overloaded - that shit.


Well-Known Member
Nice post Videoman. I can't fuckin stand Al Gore. He is a fuckin globalist piece of shit. His documentary should be called "The Inconvenient Truth that I am lying and will try to make a tax in the future to help GLOBAL WARMING, but that tax will just go in my pockets because I am a selfish, hypocritical, lying piece of shit who only gives a fuck about himself and the other government officials who will make money off the tax in the future even though only 5% of CO2 emissions is caused by humans!" Sorry there.....just can't stand how he straight up lied to everybody and won an oscar. Gotta love the ol' U.S.A.!!!!


Well-Known Member
^^ well i guess the academy figured too that their is a global warming problem and that our climate is changing more rapidly than ever before. it also politics since the most members of the board are not to much pro bush which is understandable;)
in the last 50 years we had more change happen than normally in more than 250 years.
personally i'm unconclusive about al gore, sometimes he looks like a true tip-toe to me...


Well-Known Member
sooooo poliojhr you voted for gore i take it? i left every fucking light i have in my house on for a year strait before i started growing, then i turned em all off , then about 2 months later i realized what a retard i was wasting that money , because the 700watts hps i have doesnt do shit to my electric bill. suffice to say my bill steadily went down since i started growing. it went from 300 a month to 150 so im not worried about the bill issue. im still gladd i prepared, because anything you can do to keep down the shadeyness of your grow the better. right?