Electrical Assistance Needed!


Well-Known Member
Harsh but so true.

I should make that my signature :)

Its fascinating to me though, people spend all this time and energy trying to cobble together shit as cheap as possible.. then skimp on the single most important thing in ANY indoor grow.. the light bulb. I guess if your broke your broke but come on, how much is a 150watt HPS bulb?


Active Member
Actually, I was at home depot the other day, with all the government kickbacks on energy efficiency the prices are subsidized i beleive. It made me consider adding some CFLs to parts of my 6000w grow to suppliment, and reduce energy usage in veg. :p. At under $1 a bulb and available in day light and soft white, we're talkin about $10 for 168 watts of CFL. I've just been trying to find the sockets cheap, cause thats another $1 each. I don't know how practical it really would be, but I was thinking of doing some experimental crops with a cfl box or something. Small scrog experiments, and new strain trials and such.


Well-Known Member
I should make that my signature :)

Its fascinating to me though, people spend all this time and energy trying to cobble together shit as cheap as possible.. then skimp on the single most important thing in ANY indoor grow.. the light bulb. I guess if your broke your broke but come on, how much is a 150watt HPS bulb?
make it your sig dude! You say a lot of the things I want to say everything is true though.