Electricity Bill Raid?

Variation from previous usage... Your suddenly using a lot more power then past use records show. That's the main one, because cash croppers, don't want to fool around with just a few lights, they want all they can get. This is also how they get caught when they try to circumvent by tapping directly into a power line...


Well-Known Member
Feeling a bit paranoid today justugh?

Where I am my max is 120. Which really isn't that much
always except the worst and hope for the best that way never disapointed and always happly surprized ..............the laws of avgs/probabilty we all will get caught as some point ..................knowing this i set up measures to limit the damage that can be cuased by it ........nothing in my name so can not be taken /no cash on hand except enough to live off for 4 weeks / and anything i do gain is in a asset that can be converted to cash easy with no paper if i am willing to take a 20% hit on price ........and by the time i cash it in the money is clean bills not in numbers and normally older bills

under the current laws...........u grow enought plants they take everything and freeze everything .........no car no house no anything and no cash just becuase u like to smoke a flower ....................and to get it back u have to prove in a court of law that nothing was paid with drug money and they takes 18 to 20 months


Well-Known Member
It all boils down to one thing, as others have said... The electric company is just that, a company! The Electric company Telling cops would be like a drug dealer telling on his cliental, we need them, they need us, just pay your bill and dont have 3 floors of 25 1000 watters like you see on weeds, or on discovery channel and youll be ok!
u guys doe not pay attention ...........yes higher engery use can be a tip off for a look at by a person.......so can mass increase in shipping and spending habbits on your accounts

now a days it does not matter not one fico warrent has been turned down since 9/11 nor has the patriot act limited them in any fashion.........rem this is a war on drugs ......one of the big lines back in the day was "drug money funds terror" with now that 20 states have made some law saying it ok but the feredal goverement still willing to do something about it becuase it gets them votes in office

just keep it small let someone else convert half the house into a grow room and u just make select plants for select ppl ................if u are thinking of tring it big there is only one way to do it ..................get a big ass boat go 12 miles off the coast of usa..............live and grow there and shuttle it in to the ppl doing that u are legal 12 miles out u can shoot a man in the head and the usa can not charge u with a crime not in there area u have to go to international court ........just shuttle it in to state u are allowed and u have all the paperwork for the local cops.........keep your times and drop offs to a minal and have on a random varible routes and unbustable unless u get a narc/rat or they tag the shuttle boats with gps

if u are ever ?ed about it just simple say i got a whole bunch of new big screen tvs and sound systems .....computers to replace my old stuff since blah blah blah make some crap up and hang up the phone/walk away /shut the door ............after that take all the stuff down and sit in a chair waitting for the raid to come about 2 3 am sometimes 1am if they have multi targets
That boat idea is the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. First, I don't think you quite understand maritime law or exactly what treaties are in place for international waters. That big ass boat of yours that's sitting twelve miles out to sea is a nice blip on all the coast guard, Navy, DHS radars, and your fictional boat's lack of movement mirrors that of a ship in distress, so they'll check you out with a helicopter that is equipped with night vision, FLIR, Infrared, and nineteen other types of visibility that doesn't require a warrant for them to employ in a "search and rescue."

You try growing out at sea and I'll tell you exactly what will happen. You'll consume a fuckload of diesel trying to run the generators to power your lights. You will be busted in probably less than a month. You will not have any legal standing that you might have had if you'd grown in a legal state. You will be charged not as a manufacturer in a county court, but as a drug smuggler and contraband importer in federal court. Take a look at those minimum and maximum fines and sentences and compare them to any state penalties in the nation.

Plus, the startup costs for that operation will be half a million dollars, most of it just in getting a sea-worthy vessel, and it won't be a good one nor a large one at that price. Decent sized reliable private ocean vessels easily run into the millions of dollars, and you won't have shit for square footage on that thing either. If you have enough to buy the boat, then you have enough. Retire and enjoy your boat. Go fishing, not growing.


Well-Known Member
That boat idea is the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. First, I don't think you quite understand maritime law or exactly what treaties are in place for international waters. That big ass boat of yours that's sitting twelve miles out to sea is a nice blip on all the coast guard, Navy, DHS radars, and your fictional boat's lack of movement mirrors that of a ship in distress, so they'll check you out with a helicopter that is equipped with night vision, FLIR, Infrared, and nineteen other types of visibility that doesn't require a warrant for them to employ in a "search and rescue."

You try growing out at sea and I'll tell you exactly what will happen. You'll consume a fuckload of diesel trying to run the generators to power your lights. You will be busted in probably less than a month. You will not have any legal standing that you might have had if you'd grown in a legal state. You will be charged not as a manufacturer in a county court, but as a drug smuggler and contraband importer in federal court. Take a look at those minimum and maximum fines and sentences and compare them to any state penalties in the nation.

Plus, the startup costs for that operation will be half a million dollars, most of it just in getting a sea-worthy vessel, and it won't be a good one nor a large one at that price. Decent sized reliable private ocean vessels easily run into the millions of dollars, and you won't have shit for square footage on that thing either. If you have enough to buy the boat, then you have enough. Retire and enjoy your boat. Go fishing, not growing.
i do not think u understand .................once u are 12 miles out the usa has no legal anything ....international water...........the boat is from porta rico u got the best deal .......u are not in usa your boat is not regesitered part of usa .........breaching your borad while it is still outside the 12 mile range would be prirate actions and u are allowed to used any means to defend sefl............inside the 12 miles yess u have to stop and listen to the orders .............outside u do not as long u u do not fire at them or try to ram them u are not breaking any laws or rules ........they did it in england with radio untill they made a new rule to fix it

my father was a navel yard worker and in the navy ............tells of a story of a turkey ship ......one of the crew mens goes over the line with a waitress goes to jail they get him out on bail .......have all work stopped on the ship towed out passed the 12 mile mark .......left there called back 2 hours later to be towed in and work started back up .......crewmen never came off the ship again

u are not thinking like a snake .......like a lawyer always loop holes ..............and any crime commited in international waters the case is to go to a international court system since not in a country area..............from their they can decide if it is from the home port country or the country the citzen was from and those laws .............check it up

i did not say it was cheap did i just untouchable under the current rules ............and your not taken in account of a wrecked vessle being reworked ..............and if u really want to get down to it ...........if u find a craft with no one on it and it is floated or underwater u can claim it after that it is yours ..............somalei prirate kill everyone have anouther group claim it after the first leaves .........even if the law forces u to turn it in since no one was alive and it was not their doing they get money for the return some kind of % but i do not rem off top of head i think 30%

and by the way if they can make floating bio weapon labs i am sure with cash time and the right stuff i can make a fairly big ass grow area in a cargo hold or other large area..............engery is simple ............solar and wave engery diesel is back up and steering......(for those that are not going to read it it basically those shake up lights but stronger u know the one everyone laughs becuase looks like jerking off)


Active Member
If "the world police" can bust cocaine boats in international waters they would bust a grow boat. Dude is right above you need to stay in the normal power usage range for your area to be safe.
i do not think u understand .................once u are 12 miles out the usa has no legal anything ....international water...........the boat is from porta rico u got the best deal .......u are not in usa your boat is not regesitered part of usa .........breaching your borad while it is still outside the 12 mile range would be prirate actions and u are allowed to used any means to defend sefl............inside the 12 miles yess u have to stop and listen to the orders .............outside u do not as long u u do not fire at them or try to ram them u are not breaking any laws or rules ........they did it in england with radio untill they made a new rule to fix it

my father was a navel yard worker and in the navy ............tells of a story of a turkey ship ......one of the crew mens goes over the line with a waitress goes to jail they get him out on bail .......have all work stopped on the ship towed out passed the 12 mile mark .......left there called back 2 hours later to be towed in and work started back up .......crewmen never came off the ship again

u are not thinking like a snake .......like a lawyer always loop holes ..............and any crime commited in international waters the case is to go to a international court system since not in a country area..............from their they can decide if it is from the home port country or the country the citzen was from and those laws .............check it up

i did not say it was cheap did i just untouchable under the current rules ............and your not taken in account of a wrecked vessle being reworked ..............and if u really want to get down to it ...........if u find a craft with no one on it and it is floated or underwater u can claim it after that it is yours ..............somalei prirate kill everyone have anouther group claim it after the first leaves .........even if the law forces u to turn it in since no one was alive and it was not their doing they get money for the return some kind of % but i do not rem off top of head i think 30%

and by the way if they can make floating bio weapon labs i am sure with cash time and the right stuff i can make a fairly big ass grow area in a cargo hold or other large area..............engery is simple ............solar and wave engery diesel is back up and steering......(for those that are not going to read it it basically those shake up lights but stronger u know the one everyone laughs becuase looks like jerking off)
Dude, you are a fucking moron. Sorry, I tried playing nice. First, you have no understanding of the laws you claim to understand. Second, you're going to salvage a boat from the bottom of the ocean, and then use solar energy and wave energy to run enough lights for a massive grow operation? Okay, yeah, since it costs millions of dollars to locate an underwater vessel worth salvaging, and then a few hundred thousand to repair it and install new engines. Good idea. That's way better than buying a million dollar vessel and a crap load of generators.

By the way, you mentioned Puerto Rico... it's a territory of the United States, so what good would that do you?

The important thing here is that you can't just fly any old flag for protection, and even if you got a foreign country to allow you to fly their flag... I promise you it wouldn't be the Netherlands or any country where mj is legal. And then, even if it was the Netherlands, guess what? You're not safe in international waters if the activity you're undertaking threatens the laws of a sovereign nation. Stop being stupid.

The other categories are forms of extraterritorial jurisdiction:
(2) The nationality principle, also sometimes called the active personality principle. That's the one involved where ships are concerned. LOSC says, "Ships have the nationality of the State whose flag they are entitled to fly." The nationality principle says that states have the right to regulate the conduct of their nationals. One example of this principle at work is section 4 of the Indian Penal Code, which says, "The provisions of this Code apply also to any offence committed by (1) any citizen of India in any place without and beyond India; (2) any person on any ship or aircraft registered in India wherever it may be." Another example is the U.S.'s application of its civil rights laws to Americans employed abroad by American employers.
(3) The passive personality principle, which is jurisdiction based on the nationality of those injured by the conduct. This kind of jurisdiction is controversial. An example is 18 USC §7, a statute by which the U.S. asserts jurisdiction "[a]ny place outside the jurisdiction of any nation with respect to an offense . . . against a national of the United States."
(4) The protective principle. According to Amnesty International:
National law in most states permits courts to exercise jurisdiction over conduct by persons abroad which harms the national--particularly the security--interests of the forum state in violation of its own national criminal law (protective or security principle or compétence réelle ou compétence du protection). This principle has been used to prosecute national security offences; currency offences; counterfeiting currency, stamps, seals and emblems; desecration of flags; economic crimes; forgery, fraud or perjury in connection with official documents, such as passports and visas; immigration offences and political offences.
(5) Universal jurisdiction. According to Henry Kissinger, "the doctrine of universal jurisdiction asserts that some crimes are so heinous that their perpetrators should not escape justice by invoking doctrines of sovereign immunity or the sacrosanct nature of national frontiers." Under the relevant treaties, any State can board a ship on the high seas if the ship is suspected of piracy, transporting slaves, or broadcasting illegally. A ship and its occupants can be arrested for piracy and illegal broadcasting by a warship of any State. For other crimes, the arresting State must get the consent or assistance of the flag state. Also, a ship that flies two flags (flags of convenience) or a ship flying no flag may be visited for further inquiry by any State's ships. Ships without flags, and those that fly flags of convenience are subject to the jurisdiction of any State. While some scholars disagree, national courts have upheld convictions based on such arrests.


New Member
Long story short no matter what your electric consumption might be police cannot obtain a weren't due to an electric bill alone. At worst they will go through your trash and look for more evidence of an op. as long as you are not sloppy about disposing of your grow trash I.e. putting it out on the curb you should be fine. And please don't sell weed from the location your growing it at. Lets be smart people and outthink the cops they have rules to fallow ;) and remember you have the legal right to refuse police or anyone else entry to your home. If they had a Warent they would have kicked your door down.