nothing i stated was meant to mislead anyone simple typo error sry but as stated i paynothing for my power usage they pay me there are ways 1k can be reached why would i, i have no need for it and its wasteful and never once did i state i was running a shit load of lights hell i have serviced gen-sets that make 25,000k a hr which cost money to operate the panels are free to operate and actually get the money back after a short time, so you tell me how i made a claim to be a pot farmer with a plantation running mad lights and a solar grid as i missed typed that would stand to make in upwards of 172800k a hr dude come on how far fetched can a person lie and actually sound believable, dude trust me if i could make that power on less then a 10,000 sq ft lot i would i would buy made houses and make solar grids in the gettos and become a power tycoon