Electronic Cigarette - Godsend


Well-Known Member
my friend made a bunch of glycerine tincture with all his trim that is very potent. the bottles of "tobacco" for the e-cig are made with glycerine to extract the nicotine. The exact same process as my buddy used... i bought an e-cig and a bottle of my homeys tincture and got BLAZED out of my mind... it's like the future of the cigarette one hitters, that are so easily concealed. I thought it would be odorless like the tobacco ones are, but when i hit that shit on the train the other day it definitely smelled like chronic... fyi


Well-Known Member
and ur point is? does this use nicotine or not, I could care less on howmuch safer it is suppose to be.
Did you even read the quotes that I gave? Seems like my point would be obvious. You can taper the nicotine amount down gradually without the difficulty of dropping everything on the psychological side - all of the patterns a smoker gets used to like smoking after a meal, while driving, while on the phone. And yes, it's supposed to be a lot safer. The nicotine itself isn't the problem, it's the other chemicals and the tar. It's my understanding that nicotine is pretty harmless.

I don't understand why you think it doesn't matter that it's safer. You don't see any benefit in doing something that's safer?