Electronic PH Readings Way Off


Active Member
For some reason when I started my new grow in a 5 gallon sterillite container I can't get accurate electronic PH readings. I even purchased a brand new probe and the water is reading between 8 to 25 and the meter is jumping all over the place.

When I test by hand it's PHing very nicely in that 5.0/5.5 range.

Anyone know what gives?

Maybe my Trimeter is broken? However my handheld PH reader had the same exact issue reading the reservoir.


Well-Known Member
i think it is harder to read ph with a very low ppm. try adding your base nutes first. if you already did this then idk


Active Member
i think it is harder to read ph with a very low ppm. try adding your base nutes first. if you already did this then idk
PPMs are almost too high, my plants got a little stunted but we're sitting around 800-900ppm now.

Scratching my head because my PPM meter was getting thrown off as well.

I have a digital ballast maybe 3 feet away, could this be it?

but this wasnt happening on my last run...however I did switch from a dial to a digital ballast before this last run.


Well-Known Member
do you have a calibration setting and some buffer solution. i calibrate mine usually once a month and anytime it reads off where i normally am for the same nutrients. so, if i normally mix in A,b+C and end up 5.7-5.9 and i do the same next week and it reads 6.4 as a starting point - i calibrate the meter again.


Active Member
I figured it out. I upgraded to a digital ballast and it's right next to the meter.

It has to be electromagnetic interferance.

All the symptoms are the same as well: PH and PPM levels are jumping around constantly