elementary school shooting in newton ct

Even though the govt. And religion are seperate (hahaha) such a punishment would be seen as inhumane and vengeful. The relisious sector would freak out... that said I agree. I think u should have to piss in a cup.for welfare. Take a political aptitude test to vote. Plead your reason for seeking abortion before a jury of peers and I'm no man of the Bible but it should be eye for an eye. You rape a baby you should be raped repeatedly with a double barrel 12 Guage then have both triggers pulled simultaneously. You kill someone anyone who cared for them should be allowed to do unto you as u did unto their loved ones... tenfold. But I realize that that is largely irrational lol.

pee in a cup for welfare... and if they test positive for pot? Then what? lol. yes some of that is irrational.
The official toll as of now is 26 dead. 18 children and 8 adults. There is no report in injury numbers yet but I suspect there will be a few touch and go critical cases they may end with a higher toll :( fucking sickening.
Not every job makes you piss in a cup either. I had a damn good job I didn't have to be in a cup for, and a couple others that didn't requiring the piss. In Florida it was proven to be a waste of money and the company doing the testing was financially tied to the Governor.
U can make another thread about it if u like CN. I realize my outlook isn't a popular one. I don't preach it typically cause.I realize that's just my opinion. And try to avoid forcing it on others. I have no intentions of ever being in a position to implement my beliefs fear not lol. But I would like to keep the focus of this thread largely on the tragedy that just happened. All the political stuff can be handled in the politic section :joint:
U can make another thread about it if u like CN. I realize my outlook isn't a popular one. I don't preach it typically cause.I realize that's just my opinion. And try to avoid forcing it on others. I have no intentions of ever being in a position to implement my beliefs fear not lol. But I would like to keep the focus of this thread largely on the tragedy that just happened. All the political stuff can be handled in the politic section :joint:

There's a difference between preaching and being asked to explain. The thing for which I look in a belief is consistency. Seriously, you can't extrude a chunk of manifesto like that and then refuse questions. cn
Also claims eye for an eye, then immediately says the punishment should be tenfold. Wouldn't that be 10 eyes for 1 eye?
Vengeance is tenfold... if were gonna be vengeful we may as well do it right. Consider eye for an eye as more of a.mandatory minimum.

pee in a cup for welfare... and if they test positive for pot? Then what? lol. yes some of that is irrational.

To be clear I said DRUG test. Not marijuana. I believe weed should be as equal as a tomato so it wouldn't apply in "my administration " if u will. But again.. I realize its largely irrational.

All that aside. Lets stick to the tragedy here. I'm always happy to share my (irrational and unpopular) thoughts
U can make another thread about it if u like CN. I realize my outlook isn't a popular one. I don't preach it typically cause.I realize that's just my opinion. And try to avoid forcing it on others. I have no intentions of ever being in a position to implement my beliefs fear not lol. But I would like to keep the focus of this thread largely on the tragedy that just happened. All the political stuff can be handled in the politic section :joint:

once here and known, then gone.... the world is impacted by a life. For each impact no long impacting is a loss.

I KNOW this- if that happened and one of my babies was hurt/dead..... I would lose it. lose it. A world without my children is not a reality that can exist.
I'm not refusing anything brother.. this just isn't the thread for it. I'm always happy to talk politics tho. Its largely a devils advocate scenario for me cause I like the reactions people give when talking about things like politics or religion (soviopathic of me I know. Lol) but I am always open to honest mature discussion about personal belief I just typically refrain because it hardly ever stays mature or civil thus bringing forth my inner sociopath lol. But yea for sure happy to discuss this further elsewhere
Makes me sick those little 4-5 y/o being murdered another tough guy with a gun. If i were one of the parents i would already be planning the murder of his parents, as they created this grub.
I'm not refusing anything brother.. this just isn't the thread for it. I'm always happy to talk politics tho. Its largely a devils advocate scenario for me cause I like the reactions people give when talking about things like politics or religion (soviopathic of me I know. Lol) but I am always open to honest mature discussion about personal belief I just typically refrain because it hardly ever stays mature or civil thus bringing forth my inner sociopath lol. But yea for sure happy to discuss this further elsewhere

Right here seems nice. ~paws dirt~

I see a contradiction in your post.
Either you are interested in adult debate ...
... or you're trolling for reactions.
The two don't mix.
Your behavior strongly suggests option B is operative here.
From my perspective, that's a shame. I'm always on the lookout for a skilled and considerate debater of ideas. I don't get honest-interlocutor vibes from you, but definite troll scent. Off to where the ice is cleaner.