Elev8 Inc. Review


Active Member
I have not posted here in a long time but my experience with Elev8 Inc. has given no other option but to warn others. I ordered a small order from Elev8 to see if they might be a viable option for diversifying strains to help the Veterans' group I assist. First order arrived within 2 weeks. The problem was it was not what I ordered. After emailing them they responded within a day and told me that they would ship out the correct order as soon as possible. Two weeks later it arrives. The seeds were small and a few were pale. The initial water dunk showed only 40% of them sank within 2 minutes. After germinating them in spite of my skepticism only 75% germinated. I have been sending multiple emails to them and for over 3 weeks have been getting the run-around about Elev8 living up to their guarantee. I am tired of playing this stupid game and will chock this up to a learning experience; I will never use Elev8 again.
Im currently on my 2nd grow of Elev8 products and so far no issues some of my Fuji white Seeds didnt make it but thats ok its all apart of popping seeds !
Ive got a buddy thats a good elev8 rep if you ever decided to give them another go!
Cheaper than msrp
so as i understood the op got the wrong order, contacted them, they sent the right order and he got about 75% germ rate on the beans. ok that doesnt sound so bad. sure germ rate could be higher but i get 50% (on some niche cultivars) to 90% usually. so in that scale 75 is right in the upper middle. i wouldnt be complaining about 75%.

also it was a year ago haha