Elite Gentics...

i guess that does suk if yu live in salt lake , i' bet thier swarming the front doors everywhere there.i jus nod my head and shut the door wen ihear jahovah witness or mormon,first baptist any of them,lol.
i guess that does suk if yu live in salt lake , i' bet thier swarming the front doors everywhere there.i jus nod my head and shut the door wen ihear jahovah witness or mormon,first baptist any of them,lol.

i slam the door on them, i hate them because they come to my house and want me to become one of their crazy people. Im fine with them at their churches or w/e but dont come to my house trying to talk to me. I doubt they would want me coming to their house trying to convince them that atheism is better then their religion.
i slam the door on them, i hate them because they come to my house and want me to become one of their crazy people. Im fine with them at their churches or w/e but dont come to my house trying to talk to me. I doubt they would want me coming to their house trying to convince them that atheism is better then their religion.
i always tell them joseph smith was a liar and a cheat and they get greatly offenended,lol.
but it would be federal if move anything through them,lol.
no it wouldnt just USPS. dats what make it it federal ,and crossing over statwe lines . trust me I know about the federal system . I just finished fighting a mail fraud case , along with a 922g-c and a 924c . and this is after I just done 70 months for a another 922 g(firearm possession by a convicted felon).
anyone who knows the history of that religion and how it was founded also should know those people are absolutely retarded even more so than the other fairy tail faiths its just sad the level of ignorance of some people.
anyone who knows the history of that religion and how it was founded also should know those people are absolutely retarded even more so than the other fairy tail faiths its just sad the level of ignorance of some people.

all i know about mormons is from south park :mrgreen:.
are yu talkin about those ppl that wear 19th centry dresses and bonnetts on thier head and the guys where those high water pants with the suspenders, and yu want me to believe thiier tiedd into corrupting the government, and busting ppl or watever,,lollolol.never heard that shit before.maybe yu need to second guess yur judgement.
i dont think you can be mormon and well educated as you have to be rather dense to be mormon in the first place sorry its just to easy.