

Active Member
it's kinda wierd people saying he's out of business, he HIMSELF was on here talking about his seeds and who has them and who doesn't on JULY 9TH, just 2 weeks ago, now I'm not saying HE IS still in business, but where is the PROOF that he isn't???
HE seems to think HE still is!!!!


Well-Known Member
how does that make any sense? when my buddy leaves and gets pulled over and thrown in jail it's not true because he JUST left my house an hour ago? Dude is busted if you dont beleive it email him yourself, send in a money order and wait, and wait, and wait, then tell us if you get them beans. lol


Well-Known Member
You send that money order and you live in the state of indiana the cops will be knocking on your door. Just let this shit die down. I heard he has warrants and shit so he wont be back for a long time if its true. God I would hate to waste life in prison. time is precious and freedom is priceless bongsmilie


Active Member
thanks for the sarcasm,
you can go to jail for ordering seeds thats kinda weird I thought you had freedom in the US??


Well-Known Member
Thanks for it back it made me laugh. He's done I swear seen the newspaper. We do not have as much freedom as one may think here in the states. Alcohol and prescription drugs are dime a dozen but some goodweed or seeds ishard as hell to come by in 85% of the country.