Elliot Rodger's had Aspergers Syndrome. Should we not allow people with Aspergers to own guns?

Should people with Aspergers, a form of autism that makes people lack empathy, own guns?

  • Yes, allow them to have guns.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, they lack empathy.

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters
Life is life and you can't control it. I don't live it walking around scared. It is what it is and I deal with it. There have always been crazy people and the will always be crazy people. Yes it is very tragic when things like this happen, but there is no way to rid the world of it. All you can do is hope it doesn't happen to you.

I remember a news story from a few years back. A man was driving through his quiet little neighborhood on his way to work. Just like he did every day. He stopped at a stop sign and looked both ways. Then a tree fell and crushed his car, killing him.
Im not scared, we dont have a mass murder per month.

Im just saying that maybe mentally ill people shouldnt have access to weapons, in the same way you take a suicidal persons shoelaces when detaining them.

But what the fuck would I know?

You just ignore the foreigner, let people who have no sane, objective view of reality keep shooting up schools, movie theatres, etc.

Its "your right".
Yeah, and maybe his access to knives shouldve been restricted too, since obviously he was a fucking psycho.

The thought of someone like Canna Sylvan with a gun is TERRIFYING to me, and should be to you too.

Im not scared, we dont have a mass murder per month.

Im just saying that maybe mentally ill people shouldnt have access to weapons, in the same way you take a suicidal persons shoelaces when detaining them.

But what the fuck would I know?

You just ignore the foreigner, let people who have no sane, objective view of reality keep shooting up schools, movie theatres, etc.

Its "your right".

I guess I misunderstood you.
Im not scared cos we dont allow the mentally ill (like Canna) access to firearms...

Fuck, do I need to whip out the crayons?

Lern reeding comprehenshon.

i was wondering if stay-puft marshmallow lady knew about these things called "oceans" and which side of the ocean ireland was on.
Yeah, and maybe his access to knives shouldve been restricted too, since obviously he was a fucking psycho.

The thought of someone like Canna Sylvan with a gun is TERRIFYING to me, and should be to you too.

Im not scared cos we dont allow the mentally ill (like Canna) access to firearms...

Fuck, do I need to whip out the crayons?

Lern reeding comprehenshon.

Like I said, "I must have misunderstood you."

You do know what that means don't you?

past tense: misunderstood; past participle: misunderstood
  1. fail to interpret or understand (something) correctly.
    "he had misunderstood the policeman's hand signals"
    synonyms:misapprehend, misinterpret, misconstrue, misconceive, mistake, misread;More
    be mistaken, get the wrong idea, receive a false impression;
    informalbe barking up the wrong tree, miss the boat
    "she misunderstood his motives"
    • fail to interpret or understand the words or actions of (someone) correctly.
      "don't misunderstand me—I'm not implying she should be working"
you are an idiot.

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.

SCOTUS, heller decision.

Do you even know what this means?

Rights that have been abdicated by felonies have been abdicated, that's a no shitter there.

The mentally ill...... what does this mean? that's what the conversation was about. Your borderline personality disorder could be a reason to not allow guns around you. It's purposefully vague.

Scalia wrote that the individuals right to protect himself is the foundation of the second. What sweeping gun legislation are you trying to say SCOTUS upheld? I don't think it means what you think it does

.On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Heller v. District of Columbia.[3][4] The Supreme Court struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 as unconstitutional, determined that handguns are "arms" for the purposes of the Second Amendment, found that the Regulations Act was an unconstitutional ban, and struck down the portion of the Regulations Act that requires all firearms including rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock." "Prior to this decision the Firearms Control Regulation Act of 1975 also restricted residents from owning handguns except for those registered prior to 1975."[5]
A real class act. Degrading a woman and all. You're not a real man. Nothing but an angry little boy who cries when people don't understand him. Bravo. :P
Says the unfit mother who thinks it's ok to call black children "niglets" and thinks slavery opens doors. STFU...you give mothers a bad name.

Sheskunk must be the name of your vagina
Says the unfit mother who thinks it's ok to call black children "niglets" and thinks slavery opens doors. STFU...you give mothers a bad name.

Sheskunk must be the name of your vagina

Just because I am who I am doesn't make others any less of what they are.

Real men don't disrespect women.