Elliot Rodger's had Aspergers Syndrome. Should we not allow people with Aspergers to own guns?

Should people with Aspergers, a form of autism that makes people lack empathy, own guns?

  • Yes, allow them to have guns.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, they lack empathy.

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters
I'm not into the Woody Allen type. Boring.
Ok you can write about a lonely guy, who hated everyone. Then he started having sex..lots and lots of sex. He had sex with pretty blond girls. They love him, because he was magnificent. This made him know what love was. The End
Go for it
Ok you can write about a lonely guy, who hated everyone. Then he started having sex..lots and lots of sex. He had sex with pretty blond girls. They love him, because he was magnificent. This made him know what love was. The End
Go for it

That's actually pretty good. I wouldn't want to steal your idea and chance at fame.
The Aspie Meltdown - An Insiders Point of View - Part 1

What is a Meltdown?
A meltdown is a condition where the Aspie temporarily loses control due to emotional responses to environmental factors.

It generally appears that the aspie has lost control over a single and specific issue however this is very rarely the case. Usually, the problem is the cumulation of a number of irritations which could span a fairly long period of time, particularly given the strong long-term memory facilities of the aspie.

Why the Problems Seem Hidden
Aspies don't tend to give a lot of clues that they are very irritated;
  • their facial expressions very often will not convey the irritation
  • their vocal tones will often remain flat even when they are fairly annoyed.
  • Some things which annoy aspies would not be considered annoying to neurotypicals. This makes NT's less likely to pick up on a potential problem.
  • Often Aspie grievances are aired as part of their normal conversation and may even be interpreted by NTs as part of their standard whinge.
The Aspie Meltdown - An Insiders Point of View - Part 1

What is a Meltdown?
A meltdown is a condition where the Aspie temporarily loses control due to emotional responses to environmental factors.

It generally appears that the aspie has lost control over a single and specific issue however this is very rarely the case. Usually, the problem is the cumulation of a number of irritations which could span a fairly long period of time, particularly given the strong long-term memory facilities of the aspie.

Why the Problems Seem Hidden
Aspies don't tend to give a lot of clues that they are very irritated;
  • their facial expressions very often will not convey the irritation
  • their vocal tones will often remain flat even when they are fairly annoyed.
  • Some things which annoy aspies would not be considered annoying to neurotypicals. This makes NT's less likely to pick up on a potential problem.
  • Often Aspie grievances are aired as part of their normal conversation and may even be interpreted by NTs as part of their standard whinge.

hard to believe why canna's parents took drugs..i'd kill myself.
Anything considered a mental illness within the last 2 or 3 centuries should bar someone from guns and voting.

I consider racism a mental illness, along with PMS and menopause. Neurosis of all kinds is considered mentai illness. And some seem like weirdos and are normal. Some seem normal and are not.

According to C. George Boeree, professor emeritus at Shippensburg University, effects of neurosis can involve:
...anxiety, sadness or depression, anger, irritability, mental confusion, low sense of self-worth, etc., behavioral symptoms such as phobic avoidance, vigilance, impulsive and compulsive acts, lethargy, etc., cognitive problems such as unpleasant or disturbing thoughts, repetition of thoughts and obsession, habitual fantasizing, negativity and cynicism, etc. Interpersonally, neurosis involves dependency, aggressiveness, perfectionism, schizoid isolation, socio-culturally inappropriate behaviors, etc.[6]

All of these have been given as reasons to murder.

And then there is mis-diagnosis. Psychopaths test normal, unless you really dig in. And some of our most important thinkers seem mentally ill in a quirky sense but are not, or seem normal and test as psychopathic. That is the so called Warrior Gene.

And then there are the best babies in this bathwater, young Eisenstein, etc.

Intellectual giftedness is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average. It is a characteristic of children, variously defined, that motivates differences in school programming.

Gifted children and adults are being misdiagnosed and given medication for disorders they don’t have. This book is your guide to help prevent that. Some of our brightest, most creative children and adults are misdiagnosed as having behavioral or emotional disorders such as ADD/ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or Asperger’s Disorder. Many receive unneeded medications and/or inappropriate counseling. How can this happen? Many physicians, psychologists, and counselors are unaware of characteristics of gifted children and adults that mimic pathological diagnoses.

Doer says, this right cannot be fetter this way, even with Gene Testing. You might test as something but not be that . You may have been saddled with bigotry only.

We are not the big brain monkeys we take us for. We cannot figure this out well enough to keep all weapons from Asbergers.

Don't you get it? He killed as many with knife and car as he did gun,

Those Sisters he could have gotten out and stabbed them/

Doer says that is mob reasoning of fear, but wrong headed and against the guarantees,

Doer says there is not a single definition for the various madness and manias, that has stood for 50 years much less 500.
The American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has eliminated the category of "neurosis", reflecting a decision by the editors to provide descriptions of behavior as opposed to hidden psychological mechanisms as diagnostic criteria,[3] and, according to The American Heritage Medical Dictionary, it is "no longer used in psychiatric diagnosis".[4] These changes to the DSM have been controversial.[5]