Em & Drip's first grow!


Active Member
Hi guys!

We're new to this forum, in fact, this is our first post (though we've been following the threads and messages for quite some time now).

This is our first indoor grow, any feedbacks/remarks would be highly appreciated.

Em & Drip (R.)


- Autopot system - 4 pots
BOTTOM: 1" layer of hydroton
MIDDLE: 5" layer of compost soil
TOP: 1" layer of hydroton (added on day 2)

47 litre tank with
- Canna Cannazym Plant Root Additive
- Liquid Oxygen Oxydator Activator (will be added to the tank on Wednesday)

6" Clip-On Fan

250w HPS Grow Light System

- 2 Kiwi seeds
- 2 Dr. Ray

Planted after 3 days of sprouting.

Day 1...


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Active Member
Ok, new pictures from this evening (Day 3) and I sorted out the camera focus :)

It looks like we've got a little heat and humidity problem.

I've placed an order today for a Mini air-con & humidifier and a minature mist/fog maker (I should receive both in a couple of days).

The Thermo Hygrometer should be here tomorrow so I should be able to see exactly what we're dealing with here.

The pictures were taken just 20 minutes ago (we spray some water around them every now and then until we'll solve this problem).



Well-Known Member
day 4 looks completly diffrent :)

its allready got 2 new leafs there.... So you'r growing soil aint ya... just with those pepples on top to keep it from getting dry quick ???? or am i seeing this wrong ?

like it.......


Active Member
Thanks :)

Yup, that's right. Growing in soil.

BOTTOM: 1" layer of clay pebbles (hydroton)
MIDDLE: 5" layer of compost soil
TOP: 1" layer of clay pebbles (hydroton)

And the top is indeed preventing the soil from drying fast.

I should be receiving some new toys today/tomorrow to sort out the humidity.
More pictures to come this evening ;)


Active Member
Just as I thought; we've got a serious temperature and humidity problem going on here. I received the meter today and it shows:

temperature: 29-32 C
humidity: 29-32 %

The fog/mist maker and mini air-con did not arrive today, which means they should be here tomorrow (hopefully!). The sooner the better, because I think right now our little babies are suffocating.

Here are some pictures from today (Day 5):



Active Member
Finally! The Mini air-con & humidifier and the minature mist/fog maker has arrived! The setting is nearly ready. Just waiting for the liquid oxygen :mrgreen:

I've added some pictures of the full setup. They sure are growing :)

Day 6 (taken 20 minutes ago):



Active Member
Day 24 Update (Yesterday):

Yesterday night I switched the lights off for the first time. The plants had 12 hours of sleep. The flowering period has started.

GOD, I hope i'l get 4/4 felmales! :joint: