email468 new equipment grow (PPP)


Well-Known Member
looking good email!! i dont smoke but i grow for just for the science purposes haha but how is the ppp when its all done?? like taste?? smoke?? aroma?? feeling?? pretty much how the finish product is when its done??
i'll let you know - this is the first time i'm trying it -- smells like evergreens!


Well-Known Member
looking good man...

ever think of switching to coco completely? i'm going to fuck with those coco tek containers, 2" and 3".....2" for the aero and 3" for the closet. Fill the coco pots with canna coco (plant in rapidrooter plugs or cocoplugs, whichever).

they are looking lovely as well, i bet them roots are lovelys, any pics?

are those ferts organic?


Well-Known Member
looking good man...

ever think of switching to coco completely? i'm going to fuck with those coco tek containers, 2" and 3".....2" for the aero and 3" for the closet. Fill the coco pots with canna coco (plant in rapidrooter plugs or cocoplugs, whichever).

they are looking lovely as well, i bet them roots are lovelys, any pics?

are those ferts organic?
thanks for dropping by LoudBlunts. Do you mean ditching the hydroton and just grow in coco? - i honestly haven't given it much thought. this is the first time using this system so i'm sure it won't be long before i start experimenting.

The nutes are not organic as far as i know - to be honest, there seems to be more hype than science behind the "organic" movement. but i'm often wrong.

the roots are massive - i can't even spin the plants in the net pots anymore! They fill up at least a third of my reservoir! i'll take some pictures next week of the roots and buds and post them. the only pictures i have of the roots are already posted in the journal somewhere....

the buds are really starting to swell - i'm thinking i'll be able to harvest in the next 2-3 weeks!


Well-Known Member
Wooot woot! lookin forward to that! anyways i use organic nutes. Pure Blend Pro by Botanicare. works wonders.


Well-Known Member
thanks for dropping by LoudBlunts. Do you mean ditching the hydroton and just grow in coco? - i honestly haven't given it much thought. this is the first time using this system so i'm sure it won't be long before i start experimenting.

The nutes are not organic as far as i know - to be honest, there seems to be more hype than science behind the "organic" movement. but i'm often wrong.

the roots are massive - i can't even spin the plants in the net pots anymore! They fill up at least a third of my reservoir! i'll take some pictures next week of the roots and buds and post them. the only pictures i have of the roots are already posted in the journal somewhere....

the buds are really starting to swell - i'm thinking i'll be able to harvest in the next 2-3 weeks!

i think you should give it a whirl on the organic side....maybe we'd start together!!

cuz you're already making an ideal environment for your plants. (dual mixed spectrum lighting)

just imagine rocking the whole thing. i blv going all the way organic and having your dual spectrum lighting will produce the best tasting bud ever!!!

you'd have the benefit of going all natural with the pro's of hydro!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Actually, I feel the main point of growing organic is to care about youre health(your own and the plants). also i think the taste and high is alot better with hydro-organic. but i have no soil plants to do an experiement. i am plannaing to di some outdooer plants this season. but the scrog is enough work ATM.


Well-Known Member
yea i do blv hydro organic you get great taste and cleaner high.

with all the shit you use being able to recycle it...easy dispose of it. coco is great soil conditioner! coco increases yields as well too


Well-Known Member
OK - here's how i feel about "organics"....

I don't believe anyone could tell the difference in a double-blind taste test provided everything else was equal.

also -- it is great to use artificial light (anything other than the sun), water (anything other than rain), air/CO2 (anything other than the breeze), soil (any hydro or "special mixes of soil"), etc... but when it comes to nutrients we all say oh no! we can't use that - it ain't organic! that seems kind of ... well hypocritical i guess.

don't mean to be a bummer but there is way too much myth and bullshit surrounding growing weed. i think it is because it is illegal and legitimate scientists doing research are few and far between so we have to rely on other growers. Some growers may mean well but the problem is - they might be growing awesome weed in spite of what they are doing - rather than because of what they are doing.... myself included. So the grower will give credit to whatever they are doing at the time - be it organic nutes or CFLs or whatever - when it is experience or good luck or something else that is actually the reason for success.

and now a word about recycling - it costs your local government more to recycle than to just throw it in the dump (which is why we, the taxpayers, have to subsidize recycling to the tune of millions of dollars every year) - also nearly 1/2 of "recycled garbage" ends up in the same dump as the rest. if you think recycling is a good idea - there are some great research papers done on just how stupid and wasteful of a practice it is ... if you want a brief synopsis - check out Penn & Tellers Bullshit episode on recycling. Really puts a lot myths to rest.

anyway - like i said - don't want to be a bummer but don't care for misinformation either....


Well-Known Member
when i was referring to recycling, i meant easier to dispose of. im not sure about you, but me, i cant dispose of my RW or any other media i dont have an excuse to use for easy. I dont want anybody to happen to find it in my trashcan, nor do i want to go out on an adventure and find an garbage/trash yard to dump my shit....

with coco i can merely put that shit outside with my garden or put it on my lawn for lovely, plush, green grass.

i'd rather have that option than looking for a spot to dump my RW, but since you arent using RW, i guess that doesnt apply to you, i was merely speaking in general.

second, your right, for anybody to say they have a completely indoor organic natural op would be bogus. but dont you think because of how we are growing, we have to (well not have to obviously cuz other ways work), we want to mimic mother nature as close as possible. True, we cannot get the sun if we are truly indoors, but a balance dual spectrum would be ideal at trying to match the sun. mh & hps brings a nice imitation of sunlight! or so i think (pretty sure you do too)

the medium and the like is known to have effects on taste, and not just marijuana plants....other plants as well. i think when we choose gardening systems and nutes we just go off what we hear, and what works. im a firm believer in that. On the other hand, i've tried both buds grown with organic nutes and with chemical nutes. Now, probably not every strain will be affected, but in strains with serious punch for the taste buds, i do think it (organic) will make a big difference. The only exception to this would be given a solution/tea in the end weeks of flowering along with flushing....and its barely a difference in taste, but there still is one. Aint like it wouldnt be some bad ass smoke regardless, its just the principle....if you can get better tasting buds to stimulate them taste buds, shit why not? Thas all im saying


Well-Known Member
also, if you feel like this....why'd you opt to line the netpots with coco ?
cause that's what the instructions told me to do :)

and sorry if i came off harsh - i agree that experimentation and trying out different light/nute/growing media is part of the fun. Didn't want to harsh anyones mellow :mrgreen:

on the other hand - i'm getting pretty old and don't have a refined palette so spending top dollar on organic nutes probably wouldn't be worth it for me - but that doesn't mean i shouldn't try.


Well-Known Member
Ambient Temperature: 76.4 F
Humidity: 42%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 64.7 F
pH: 5.3
PPM: 1017
Notes: Added 3 Gallons water
Ambient Temperature: 75.5 F
Humidity: 35%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 65.3 F
pH: 5.0
PPM: 879
Notes: Added 2 Gallons of water with 1 TBSP. Flora Bloom and 1 TBSP. KoolBloom
Ambient Temperature: 75.7 F
Humidity: 42%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 65.8 F
pH: 4.5 (YIKES)
PPM: 925
Ambient Temperature: 77.5 F
Humidity: 43%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 65.6 F / 63.1 F
pH: 3.6 / 6.2
PPM: 1024 / 904
Notes: To 15 Gallons of water added 2.5 TBSP. Flora Micro, 7.5 TBSP. Flora Bloom, 1 TBSP. Floralicious Bloom, 5 TBSP. KoolBloom and 3 TBSP. pH UP.
Ambient Temperature: 64.5 F
Humidity: 33%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 62 F
pH: 5.9
PPM: 939


Well-Known Member
looking reallllll yummy bro. when u ganna harvest? whys ur ph flux so much bro?
the trichomes are mostly turned towards the bottom of the buds and the pistils are also turning color and withering. I think i'm going to harvest within a week or so. this will also work out because of an impending trip.

I'm not sure why pH is freaking out - i'm thinking because a few weeks ago, i really started reducing my nute loads and the plant still has a lot of stored nutrients? i really don't know. but i will be flushing with a rinsing solution twice as long as the directions tell me!


Well-Known Member
aye email.....whas your electricity usage with that light? how much?
my electric bill jumped up by about 50-60 bucks a month with the whole system running 24 x 7. not sure how much of that was the light and how much was just regular electric bill fluctuation.


New Member
Gosh email. I can't get over how detailed you are but have to admit that you have a very nice grow there. Very sticky gooey buds.
mmm :)