email468 new equipment grow (PPP)


Well-Known Member
well ill just run a test run on some bagseed right quick and see what it does..... i figure if it can grow for at least 2 weeks then shit....must not be hurting them .....

i got another question, but im not about to take over your journal...

check your PMs


Well-Known Member
beautiful grow all this time and i just realized you had a journal. Ill be keeping an eye out for the next grow
well thanks for dropping by. I think my next grow will be tomatoes or some other fruit, veggie or flower.

But when i do another round - i'll start another journal for sure.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

you must let that ppp cure!
alright man - i started germinating some seeds i had around:
1) PPP - of course
1) Big Bud (i have a few seeds of big bud - can't recall where these came from)
1) unknown seed from seed bank - no idea what this sucker is
5) bag seeds - mostly blueberry i think but can't say for certain

so i have room for 6 plants and i'm germinating 8 seeds and will be happy if 3 survive (either through living or being female) to flower.

Once i get things rolling i'll start another journal (unless i change my mind again and grow tomatoes or poppies or something)...


Well-Known Member
soon my veg box will fill with a wide variety of plants for the garden!!!! I love the seasons but the cold part of the year is so long here. look foward to watching your grow


Well-Known Member
soon my veg box will fill with a wide variety of plants for the garden!!!! I love the seasons but the cold part of the year is so long here. look foward to watching your grow
that's cool. i was going to wait awhile but the itch has started again and i decided to go ahead and scratch it.

i'll be doing a few things differently. i'm going to experiment with some lighting - which will be excruciatingly detailed in the new journal. Briefly, rather than run both MH and HPS lights like last time - i'm going to use mostly MH during veg (turning on the HPS progressively longer) until switching to 12/12 when i'll use both MH and HPS the whole time. And then as flowering proceeds, I'll gradually reduce the amount of time the MH is on.

i'm also going to be following a new feeding regimen - which will also be documented. in a nutshell, the new plan is WAY LESS nutrients :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
and oh yeah - i'm going to use 18/6 instead of 24/0 of the grow stage....
and flower earlier and try to do a little training/trimming


Well-Known Member
no me and girl was been supposed to move, but the apt office is trying to say we owe them money cuz we didnt give them 30 days notice. we just told them to fuck theirselves and that since we already gotta pay, we might as well stay. moving at the middle of the month!

everything will be up and running in like 2-3 weeks probably less.

im not sure what i wanna start up..... prolly 4 super skunk, 2 hashberry, 2 HJNC