Embarrassing Trump Audio Exposes Him as Totally Clueless

I didn't say we were alike. But I would be very interested in hearing what makes you think another human beings opinion is less valid than your own.
I think a person who says whatever he likes then changes it later is pretty much the definition of unreliable. Your recent claim to never have had anal sex when earlier you claimed to is a good example. Your ability to overlook Trump's criminal fraud and shoddy financial background is another.

Claiming that everybody's opinion is as shoddy as yours is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard. You can't keep your line of logic straight. Sorry man, just about anybody's opinion is worth more than yours.
I think a person who says whatever he likes then changes it later is pretty much the definition of unreliable. Your recent claim to never have had anal sex when earlier you claimed to is a good example. Your ability to overlook Trump's criminal fraud and shoddy financial background is another.

Claiming that everybody's opinion is as shoddy as yours is about as weak an argument as I've ever heard. You can't keep your line of logic straight. Sorry man, just about anybody's opinion is worth more than yours.
It depends on the topic. I get a kick out of how hookers advertise. I told the bit about parking in the back as a joke at my own expense. It's one of those things that doesn't matter if it's true or not. It doesn't impact anyone beyond myself.

I'm sure you could find plenty to be critical of me about, using that makes you look very petty.

The fact you chose to insult me by saying "you admitted to butt fucking people for pleasure" says more about you than it does about me.

About opinions, look, I don't expect to get any support on this forum and as long as your attacking trump you won't get much scrutiny, but your critique of him, to anyone fair minded enough to look the facts, will ring hollow.

What legislation has he enacted? What legislation did hillary enact? And she's actually been in government. I know she voted on things while in the Senate. But she never did more than lend her name or her vote. Her accomplishments in that regard aren't much better than Trumps.

And with Trump's business record. The man owns 11 or 12 companies, maybe more over his 30 plus years in business. In that time four of his companies have availed themselves of bankruptcy protection, and more than one were companies trump aquired for their real estate. Sometimes in business bankruptcy makes sense.

There is plenty to criticize trump on. Your attack on him shows nothing more than bumper sticker mentality. They would not impress anyone with more than a 20 second attention span.

It's an attack designed more to impact than to reflect the truth of the situation.
It depends on the topic. I get a kick out of how hookers advertise. I told the bit about parking in the back as a joke at my own expense. It's one of those things that doesn't matter if it's true or not. It doesn't impact anyone beyond myself.

I'm sure you could find plenty to be critical of me about, using that makes you look very petty.

The fact you chose to insult me by saying "you admitted to butt fucking people for pleasure" says more about you than it does about me.

About opinions, look, I don't expect to get any support on this forum and as long as your attacking trump you won't get much scrutiny, but your critique of him, to anyone fair minded enough to look the facts, will ring hollow.

What legislation has he enacted? What legislation did hillary enact? And she's actually been in government. I know she voted on things while in the Senate. But she never did more than lend her name or her vote. Her accomplishments in that regard aren't much better than Trumps.

And with Trump's business record. The man owns 11 or 12 companies, maybe more over his 30 plus years in business. In that time four of his companies have availed themselves of bankruptcy protection, and more than one were companies trump aquired for their real estate. Sometimes in business bankruptcy makes sense.

There is plenty to criticize trump on. Your attack on him shows nothing more than bumper sticker mentality. They would not impress anyone with more than a 20 second attention span.

It's an attack designed more to impact than to reflect the truth of the situation.
Look dude, I only repeated what you said. I'm no mind reader.

What people say matters.

What they do matters more.

Trump is a fraudster and a poor manager. He says a lot more despicable things. That you want to overlook this is beyond me.

But by saying so tells me your worth.

Don't like it? Not my problem.
Trump's bankruptcies...


"The only difference is that Trump puts his name on his companies, which means people associate them with him, but he's not at all the leader in the bankruptcy space," Levitan said. "These bankruptcies were not defining moments for Trump and shouldn't color our view of him."

I learned some things. First. Trump's first bankruptcy can be seen as his worst and was the one that was likely mostly his fault. It was in 91. He was a young man and I'd say he's learned since then. Since then in many respects Trump has been a figure head and just a majority share holder. In some cases he didn't even have control of these businesses when they filed. They just used his name recognition and so perception is tainted.

It's hard to fault anyone for a gaming bankruptcy after 2008. And one of the others was where he bought a hotel for the property.

This attack on trump doesn't hold much water
Look dude, I only repeated what you said. I'm no mind reader.

What people say matters.

What they do matters more.

Trump is a fraudster and a poor manager. He says a lot more despicable things. That you want to overlook this is beyond me.

But by saying so tells me your worth.

Don't like it? Not my problem.
When I read a guy saying on the Internet "in fuck hookers in the ass" I don't automatically remove all room in my mind that the dude is just saying something that he finds funny or amusing or whatever. It's the internet.

Days later when I'm having a more serious discussion with that person I'm capable of separating the his consistency in describing his sexual affairs from what he says regarding his political positions.

Chalk it up to difference of personality. I'm not always serious. I'm sorry if you are.
When I read a guy saying on the Internet "in fuck hookers in the ass" I don't automatically remove all room in my mind that the dude is just saying something that he finds funny or amusing or whatever. It's the internet.

Days later when I'm having a more serious discussion with that person I'm capable of separating the his consistency in describing his sexual affairs from what he says regarding his political positions.

Chalk it up to difference of personality. I'm not always serious. I'm sorry if you are.
Ok, maybe you aren't a low lying high smelling obese butt fucker. You seem to focus on the fact that I called you this. Ok, maybe I was wrong in calling you a low lying high smelling obese butt fucker. If I am wrong, then I apologize.

Still, it doesn't change what I said afterward:

Trump is a fraudster and a poor manager. He says a lot more despicable things. That you want to overlook this is beyond me.

But by saying so tells me your worth.
Trump's bankruptcies...


I learned some things. First. Trump's first bankruptcy can be seen as his worst and was the one that was likely mostly his fault. It was in 91. He was a young man and I'd say he's learned since then. Since then in many respects Trump has been a figure head and just a majority share holder. In some cases he didn't even have control of these businesses when they filed. They just used his name recognition and so perception is tainted.

It's hard to fault anyone for a gaming bankruptcy after 2008. And one of the others was where he bought a hotel for the property.

This attack on trump doesn't hold much water
Trump University -- fraud
Trump University -- fraud
Alleged fraud.

He hasn't even been charged with fraud by any attorneys general.

Private citizens who gave him a 98% approval rating while they were enrolled are after the fact suing him, as private citizens.

What trump offred is common. There are plenty of people who charge money to essentially describe their business model to you.

It is, in my view, preying on weak minded people. But anyone who thinks Donald Trump held the secrets to the universe doesn't get my sympathy.

What is fraud is your sense of outrage over these things. Maybe not you personally.

The center of a fraud allegation is an intent to deceive. The people pushing these stories on trump are intending to device you to steal your vote.

There are valid criticisms against trump. The kind you mention most often are the kinds that target low information 30 second attention span types of people

Congrats. You've been cond.
It depends on the topic. I get a kick out of how hookers advertise. I told the bit about parking in the back as a joke at my own expense. It's one of those things that doesn't matter if it's true or not. It doesn't impact anyone beyond myself.

I'm sure you could find plenty to be critical of me about, using that makes you look very petty.

The fact you chose to insult me by saying "you admitted to butt fucking people for pleasure" says more about you than it does about me.

About opinions, look, I don't expect to get any support on this forum and as long as your attacking trump you won't get much scrutiny, but your critique of him, to anyone fair minded enough to look the facts, will ring hollow.

What legislation has he enacted? What legislation did hillary enact? And she's actually been in government. I know she voted on things while in the Senate. But she never did more than lend her name or her vote. Her accomplishments in that regard aren't much better than Trumps.

And with Trump's business record. The man owns 11 or 12 companies, maybe more over his 30 plus years in business. In that time four of his companies have availed themselves of bankruptcy protection, and more than one were companies trump aquired for their real estate. Sometimes in business bankruptcy makes sense.

There is plenty to criticize trump on. Your attack on him shows nothing more than bumper sticker mentality. They would not impress anyone with more than a 20 second attention span.

It's an attack designed more to impact than to reflect the truth of the situation.

Who tbe fuck would spend time reading your idiot babble. You stupid fuck.

Youre the misguided asshole who gets a boner over Trump's"success". Success is no measure of charactre. You yourself have the character of a goats ass.

Other threads you started are preposteroous, you are a fucking lout the idiocy you post is like a snl skit.
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unlike your candidate, hillary is not racist, and her plans to create jobs have been tried by others in the past, and have worked to astounding success.

also, she know foreign policy backwards and forwards. donald trump couldn't point to most countries on a labeled map.

that's what makes her the most experienced and qualified candidate we have had in a long time.

while your candidate can't even run a fucking business without getting sued or going bankrupt. and he is racist as fuck.
Alleged fraud.

He hasn't even been charged with fraud by any attorneys general.

Private citizens who gave him a 98% approval rating while they were enrolled are after the fact suing him, as private citizens.

What trump offred is common. There are plenty of people who charge money to essentially describe their business model to you.

It is, in my view, preying on weak minded people. But anyone who thinks Donald Trump held the secrets to the universe doesn't get my sympathy.

What is fraud is your sense of outrage over these things. Maybe not you personally.

The center of a fraud allegation is an intent to deceive. The people pushing these stories on trump are intending to device you to steal your vote.

There are valid criticisms against trump. The kind you mention most often are the kinds that target low information 30 second attention span types of people

Congrats. You've been cond.

Haven't I already made it clear that you and I are not alike. Unlike you, I wouldn't have said that Trump was a fraudster if there weren't evidence and clear statements to this fact. Trump is most certainly charged with fraud by an attorney general:

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said that evidence of the fraud perpetrated by Trump University is "pretty straightforward."


"It [was] a bait and switch scheme," he said on CNN's New Day Friday, defending his and other lawsuits against the school. "He did ads saying my hand-picked instructors will teach you my personal secrets. You just copy what I did and get rich."

But Schneiderman said evidence in the case makes clear that Trump was not involved in hiring instructors, and that he didn't create the program's curriculum.

"If you tell people we're going to teach you Donald Trump's secrets, and he never had any part in writing the curriculum, that's fraud," Schneiderman said.

This week a New York appellate court rejected a motion by Trump's lawyers to toss the case out of court. That clears the way for it to go to trial, although Trump's general counsel said he intends to appeal to the state's highest court. Trump could end up being called to testify in the case.

Trump is already slated to be a witness in a federal civil case brought by students in California, and he recently gave depositions in a second federal case. He could testify in Schneiderman's case as well. Schneiderman said he's looking forward to Trump's testimony.

"When you're in court, when you're dealing with the legal system, you can't make things up the way you can in a campaign," he said.

While the attorney general's suit is a civil suit rather than a criminal action, Trump could face millions in fines, Schneiderman said.

It will be a delicious moment when Trump takes that stand

By the way, I think you meant to say: Congrats. You've been conned.
What qualifications does he have for political office? Exactly what legislation has Trump enacted? How is this man qualified to run the country when he can't keep his own businesses out of court for fraud or bankruptcy? You think the pig that wants to legalize interrogation by torture is a clean pig?

The fact is nobody is qualified to run anyone else life for them, much less 350 million people.
Alleged fraud.

He hasn't even been charged with fraud by any attorneys general.

Private citizens who gave him a 98% approval rating while they were enrolled are after the fact suing him, as private citizens.

What trump offred is common. There are plenty of people who charge money to essentially describe their business model to you.

It is, in my view, preying on weak minded people. But anyone who thinks Donald Trump held the secrets to the universe doesn't get my sympathy.

What is fraud is your sense of outrage over these things. Maybe not you personally.

The center of a fraud allegation is an intent to deceive. The people pushing these stories on trump are intending to device you to steal your vote.

There are valid criticisms against trump. The kind you mention most often are the kinds that target low information 30 second attention span types of people

Congrats. You've been cond.

trump university at one time had a D- due to complaints until 2013:


he's also changed the name to 'trump entrepreneur initiative' and is being sued by the government:


On August 24, 2013, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced that he has filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump, The Trump Entrepreneur Institute -- formerly named Trump University LLC (“Trump University”), and Michael Sexton, former President of Trump University for engaging in persistent fraudulent, illegal and deceptive conduct in connection with the operation of Trump University. Between 2005 through 2011, the lawsuit says that Trump University operated as an unlicensed educational institute that promised to teach Donald Trump’s real estate investing techniques to consumers nationwide but instead misled consumers into paying for a series of expensive courses that did not deliver on their promises. The petition filed in New York Supreme Court in Manhattan details the advertisements run by Trump University in major newspapers across the country and the direct mail solicitations sent to entice consumers to attend a free workshop. These ads prominently displayed Donald Trump’s photograph and signature, or were styled as letters written by Trump himself. The suit says the advertisements were replete with false claims, including claims that consumers would learn “from Donald Trump’s handpicked instructor a systematic method for investing in real estate that anyone can use.” Other ads promised “my handpicked instructors will share my techniques” or “learn from my hand-picked expert” and “just copy exactly what I’ve done and get rich.” Despite Trump University’s advertised claims, consumers attending free seminars did not learn Donald Trump’s real estate techniques. Instead, the lawsuit alleges that Trump University’s instructors made multiple misrepresentations to convince consumers to sign up for a $1,495 three-day seminar. And instead of providing all of the promised services, instructors then used the three-day seminars to pitch consumers an expensive Trump Elite mentor-ship programs costing $10,000 to $35,000. The New York Attorney General’s lawsuit seeks full restitution for the more than 5,000 consumers nationwide who were defrauded of over $40 million in the scheme.

In October 2014, New York State Supreme Court Justice Cynthia S. Kern ruled that Mr. Trump is personally liable for operating a for-profit investment school without the required license. She also tossed out some of the New York AG's claims and ruled that some evidence is beyond the statute of limitations. Judge Kern ruled that several major aspects of the fraud lawsuit will be decided at a forthcoming trial.

On March 1, 2016, The Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department held that the New York State Attorney General is authorized to bring a cause of action for fraud under Executive Law §63(12), overruling a lower court’s decision on this cause of action.
Haven't I already made it clear that you and I are not alike. Unlike you, I wouldn't have said that Trump was a fraudster if there weren't evidence and clear statements to this fact. Trump is most certainly charged with fraud by an attorney general:

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said that evidence of the fraud perpetrated by Trump University is "pretty straightforward."


"It [was] a bait and switch scheme," he said on CNN's New Day Friday, defending his and other lawsuits against the school. "He did ads saying my hand-picked instructors will teach you my personal secrets. You just copy what I did and get rich."

But Schneiderman said evidence in the case makes clear that Trump was not involved in hiring instructors, and that he didn't create the program's curriculum.

"If you tell people we're going to teach you Donald Trump's secrets, and he never had any part in writing the curriculum, that's fraud," Schneiderman said.

This week a New York appellate court rejected a motion by Trump's lawyers to toss the case out of court. That clears the way for it to go to trial, although Trump's general counsel said he intends to appeal to the state's highest court. Trump could end up being called to testify in the case.

Trump is already slated to be a witness in a federal civil case brought by students in California, and he recently gave depositions in a second federal case. He could testify in Schneiderman's case as well. Schneiderman said he's looking forward to Trump's testimony.

"When you're in court, when you're dealing with the legal system, you can't make things up the way you can in a campaign," he said.

While the attorney general's suit is a civil suit rather than a criminal action, Trump could face millions in fines, Schneiderman said.

It will be a delicious moment when Trump takes that stand

By the way, I think you meant to say: Congrats. You've been conned.
So the fraud question turns on how much of the course work Trump himself 'designed' or thought up or is his intellectual property?
So the fraud question turns on how much of the course work Trump himself 'designed' or thought up or is his intellectual property?
You sell timeshare vacation contracts. You must know that misrepresenting the product -- especially promises in writing -- is fraud. If you did that you'd go to jail. Trump is not facing jail time, so the system is giving him a break there.

There is also this problem with calling that sham a University. Again, not. He was warned in 2005 that he could not call the fraud operation a University because it wasn't a licensed educational institution.

You wingnuts are sure ignorant. This is all easily available but not on FOX. A little time spent looking this up will make you look a lot less foolish. Of course then you would then also learn how distorted your world view is.