Emerald Triangle Seed co. and Delicious Seeds Grow


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking great! I have been lacking in the area of pics on my journal but soon will have some more up! The lost coast og is gonna be some KILL I bet!


Well-Known Member
Yea man get some pics up! I wanna see those ladies!

If mine turns out like the Capt.'ins I'll be stoked! I'm not expecting the same size since he was running a 1000w. But I'm hoping for equal quality!

Looking forward to your updates!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Everyone!
They've really switched into flower mode now, but they're still stretching 2 inches a day! By day 14 I should have some pretty nice crowns on em, and should stop stretching.
Not too much new here, I'm watering every 4-5 days with 1 gallon per plant. I expect them to start sucking it up a lot faster now that flowering is starting.

I do need to hook up another fan to help dry thing out a little. I have one for the lower canopy but I need one large fan up top, and possible two clip ons to aid the larger one!

I'll have updates in another 6 days, until then feel free to ask me any question to have.


Well-Known Member
I added the LED's tonight. I measured them on my KillAWatt meter, and all together they run at 290w. The two "180w" LED's run at 75w's a piece, and the "240w" runs at 140w. I also added a fan to circulate the air on the top foliage.

The plants are stretching away, My tallest plant the RPK its 41 inches tonight. It grew 3 inches in the last 24 hours.

Tomorrow they get their last feeding of Bud Ignitor, and Voodoo Juice. I've been slowly integrating the Big Bud in so when the Bud Ignitor is over that will replace it. B52, and Great White will replace the Voodoo Juice. And I'll slowly start introducing Carboload on the third week.

Thats what is to come.
Thats all folks!


Well-Known Member
My Humboldt Co Nutrients Purple Maxx Snow Storm came in the mail today. I'm gonna start foliar feeding half strength once a week, and slowly work my way up to make sure they don't burn. I'll also add it in half strength on my non nuted water days.

kevin murphy

New Member
yea thats what im talking about subbed for sure excellent thread and pic updates keep em coming im along for the ride mate..