emergency - any kind soul to help me out?

Hong Chong

Active Member
i jsut wrote a big story about how my plants got jacked by kids in the forest and it didnt submit, it went to an error page and i clicked back and my whole long thing was erased :cry: it is a shitty day because this morning i checked my plants in the forest and had a feeling they got jacked by some kdis that i seen in there the other day and sure enough there gone. i had a good spot but wanted a better one so i moved them to a more heater spot closer to the path with direct sun all day and i came back today to check em and they werent there. there was 4 of em. I was only putting them there for yesterday and moving them to a better spot today.
the only thing i can think of right now is getting some clones from someone in vancouver or seeds but i dont know where to get clones in vancouver so maybe someon here does? thats why im typing this. or if someone has a bunch of seeds they like to sell, maybe 10 or 20 seeds for 10 bucks? Im goin for the longshot that someone here can help i guess and semd me a PM with info or somethin. aight thanks

Hong Chong

Active Member
yeah man i hate kids that dont show respect to nature, and i would grow bagseed but i havent found any seeds in my bags for a long ass time and noone i know has seen seeds. i picked up some kush but the seeds were already picked out of it thats the closest ive come. and yeah ill take the corvette hahaha, i didnt think anyone would want to sell 10 or 20 for 10 but i tried. i found a good site with a sick deal. premier seeds from BC has some BC strains, there 50-60 bucks for a 15 pack and you get a free 10 pack of fruity juice with every order! thats a steal if ive ever seen one. ill prolly spend the money since im gettin seeds for 50 bucks rather than a 10 pack of early wonder skunk for 60. everyone should check this site though, crazy low prices and free seed packs. premier seeds from BC!


Well-Known Member
thats the risk you take when geurilla growing. its unfortunate but afterall i'm assuming its not on your property or its somewhere others could easily wander into if they wanted. i think moving them near the path seems pretty obvious/risky anyways. probably why they got snagged.

i cant deny if i was walking through some woods and saw a bunch of weed plants i'd dig them up and take them home. fair game!


Active Member
thats the risk you take when geurilla growing. its unfortunate but afterall i'm assuming its not on your property or its somewhere others could easily wander into if they wanted. i think moving them near the path seems pretty obvious/risky anyways. probably why they got snagged.

i cant deny if i was walking through some woods and saw a bunch of weed plants i'd dig them up and take them home. fair game!
How is that fair?

So someone spends the time,effort and money to grow a couple of plants and you just happen to see them so you steal them?
When you walk down the street and see a nice bike with no lock on it do you steal it?


Well-Known Member
How is that fair?

So someone spends the time,effort and money to grow a couple of plants and you just happen to see them so you steal them?
When you walk down the street and see a nice bike with no lock on it do you steal it?
well, you should steal her car n see if she still thinks everythins fair game, ppl like that are the reason big time pot growers have traps/guns n shit, which gets the cops all hyped up n tryina take marijuana down


Well-Known Member
How is that fair?

So someone spends the time,effort and money to grow a couple of plants and you just happen to see them so you steal them?
When you walk down the street and see a nice bike with no lock on it do you steal it?
stealing bike is different than stealing something thats already illegal to grow. hey for all anyone knows all im doing is being a good citizen!:hump:

if its on public property/public woods then i would say its pretty fair game. this weed was obviously NEAR a PATH where people walk and obviously somewhere with traffic.

if youre smart you hide it well enough that no one has the opportunity to consider being greedy and stealing it like i would :D


Well-Known Member
Stealing is stealing. However, there is a big difference between burglary and raiding a guerilla grow. Burglars invade property to steal. A guerilla grow is conceived and executed knowing one has no control over the site when one is absent.

Anyone finding the plants can do anything they choose. I would leave a discovered guerilla site on public property unmolested. Most people would not; choosing either to report it, destroy it, or steal it. It's the biggest risk a guerilla grower takes.
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Well-Known Member
Stealing is stealing. However, there is a big difference between burglary and raiding a guerilla grow. Burglars invade property to steal. A guerilla grow is conceived and executed knowing one has no control over the site when one is absent.

Anyone finding the plants can do anything they choose. I would leave a discovered guerilla site on public property unmolested. Most people would not; choosing either report it, destroy it, or steal it. It's the biggest risk a guerilla grower takes.
wow, pass tha blunt to him! :joint:

Hong Chong

Active Member
stealing bike is different than stealing something thats already illegal to grow. hey for all anyone knows all im doing is being a good citizen!:hump:

if its on public property/public woods then i would say its pretty fair game. this weed was obviously NEAR a PATH where people walk and obviously somewhere with traffic.

if youre smart you hide it well enough that no one has the opportunity to consider being greedy and stealing it like i would
i had the platns up in trees and the only people like i said who would go in there is kids who like to duck and weave and jump over logs, its a fairly innacessible spot that noone goes too. there hasnt been anyone in there ever since ive been in, i keep track of footprints and bent plants etc.
i am smart, i knew i was taking a chance but it was greatly in my favor that noone would be in there. it jsut happened that some kids were getting chased around and jumped a bunch of logs and ran through some bushes to hide and stayed in the forest to hide. also, the platns were in veg, why the hell would you think i have plants flowering outside in may...


Active Member
I bet those kids are at home right now trying to smoke the leaves.

GL to them

Hope you see them again mate. Tough break =[

Hong Chong

Active Member
hahahaha thats funny, i can imagine seeing the kids in the forest next time with the plants pullin off leaves, smokin a bowl behin the shrubs . It worked out for the best i suppose because i ended up finding a sick BC seed site so ill start again with the knowledge of everything in the forest, and have no slugs eatin at my leaves..