emergency evacuation


Active Member
First off. Let me say I'm moving into a rental property I own. In process of evicting Tennant's.

Anyways. My landlord at the moment post the current property I live in for sale. I'm on day 31-32 of flower... I grow large trees. Currently 4 lights in flower. 4 trees.

She mentioned a walkthru and open house in near future.

I do not want to loose my strains and plants. I veg for 2-3 month. A restart would take 5 months no questions.

So. I know you all have done some shit in your day. What are my options.
I am frequently out of town. She doesn't have a key. I explained when I signed lease I like my privacy.

I was thinking if she calls. Requesting to show property. I could tell her I'm out of town next few days. Drill doors shut and rent a truck, trim what I got. Get it all out in a night and day .. Take new cuts and start over....

I won't take anything to friends house as nobody knows. I want to keep it that way...

Also. I was thinking to just move now. But I won't have cash until I harvest. So I was thinking of harvesting one light/plant now. I'll have cash to move before the shit hits the fan.

I'm really iffy on what to do. I could defiantly use some clear insight...


Active Member
Hmm, similar situation I had to go through. I had to take everything off, as they needed to come in and change the windows...

Usually a walkthrough involves all rooms, so you might be quite stuck with your situation. Try to keep her away as long as you can for harvest. So at least 2-3 weeks. If it's an early harvest, it's an early harvest...

For the mothers, you can try to bring them into a truck outside the house (use large boxes for transporting clothes w/hanger) for the time they rae coming into the house. In any way, she is allowed to make a visit into the apartment, but she has to give you a notice period. Let's say at least 5-7 days in advance for an appointment.

For the first time you can play the vacation card, the second time you postpone for 2-3 more days but the third time you should be sticking to the appointment.

Of course it means that you have to tae the setup down, pack it together and hide the plants. So at least, you could save mothers, start cloning and hopefully in the meantime she will be able to sell..

I hope my insights helped.


Well-Known Member
Can you lock the door to the growspace and then "accidentally" forget the key the day of the walkthrough cause you left it with your work keys and blah blah blah. something like that ? Sounds kinda corny but I believe almost anything is better than chopping before a plant is done. You lose an awful lot when you have to do that.
Any time that you can buy is a bonus. And if they saw everything but one room it might get you the time you need.


Active Member
Its only in one room, 4 lights, closets for veg.

I have ducting going thru my ceiling!

The second she implys she's coming, it all has to come out, I have extra furniture to put in there. Patch holes, ect...

But like I said I was going to move anyways, not for 3-4 months tho.

I'm really considering chopping off 8 ounces and selling it so I can get another spot. Just to be safe... I'm on day 31, two strains, a 8 and 9 week. So I got 25-32 days to go.

My bigger concern are the ladies veggong! I know I can buy several weeks, hopefully, but not long enough to flower more out...

I was just gonna wait and harvest as planned , then move but I'm thinking it would be safer to just take 6 ounces now, which will pay for new place...

If I did chop now, I would loose 50% roughly right?

Here's a pic, my canopy's 8x8. And there's already quite a bit on there...


Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
*I* would chop one plant early, like you say, take that cash and get into the new place. You'll lose a plant but have the rest of them, and the time they need. The big plus is that you'll be done with the current place once and for all.


Active Member
It is locked, I was gonna do that and say, the new dogs in there, he's mean. Barrow a friends pit bull for the week. That's the best idea that's close to full proof.

They would only be coming in to take pictures. That's it, she knows I won't tolerate walk through. Plus I think she's just putting it on the market for other reasons, maybe to refinance, her asking price is double the assessment, ridiculously high, like she doesn't want to really sell it. And honestly, she loves me, said I was best tenant she's had, rents always early, grass always cut, I do extra work often, Dont charge her... I dunno.

My luck, I'd move and shed never even come in...


Active Member
I know. I'm leaning in that direction pretty heavy... Rather be safe then sorry...

Also, I'm new to growing, this is actually my first harvest, I'll post some pics, I'm familiar with my weight, we all know bud size is usually spot on to weight. But I'm looking at these colas, wondering if there's as much there as I think...

I have one plant in mind, hasn't done too well , my only complaint. I know it has several ounces on it, not sure if its enough tho...

I'm guessing there's close to s pound on each already, which seems too good to be true for day 31.

I used GH in ocean forest, 20 gallon pots, vegged for 11 weeks, it almost looks like I could get a gpw, but from what I was told, there's no way being a noob, I dunno, I'll let pics talk... 4 plants, 4 lights...

Either way, here's some pics...



Well-Known Member
I dunno, they're kinda hard to see but they dont look like anywhere near ready to come down.
Remember when it finally does dry your gonna lose 75% of what your looking at now.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Beautiful plants! I agree they've still got some time to go. You're not going to want to move those ladies around too much, though. Do you know someone who would buy 'futures' in your crop? Maybe give them a good deal for 'investing' and you can still get the cash you need now. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Yeah selling shit 30days old is wank....

Better off getting a brick of mexi on tic and selling to school kids for 10 a gram...

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
The problem is if she's actively trying to rent/sell/whatever, people will probably want to walk through the place. You can stipulate 24h notice, or whatever, but that doesn't mean it always works out like that. If it was a one-time thing the truck is an excellent solution, but I doubt jon wants to wrestle those things in and out of hiding all the time, even if he did have a truck onsite for a while. Idk, just brainstorming...