Emergency move during flowering?

I have about 20 autos (5 ak, 5 critical mass, 5 maxi gom and 5 blueberry) they are planets outside and they look really good. I'll put some pictures up soon! They are really big and fat after just 2 weeks of flowering. Yesterday I found that another grower (probably a beginner) found My spot and actually planted 2 of His really small shitty plants that are probably going to die by the looks of them. Next to His plants I found à small glass pyramid and à small stone painted like the Pride flag?

My question is: is it possible to move My plants without harming them even though they are more sensitive in bloom? Whats the safest way of doing it?

I dont want to waste My plants that ive worked so hard growing and I dont want to trust à random person that Ive never met. Give me your opinions on this please! Am I doing the right thing?


Well-Known Member
Option 1. Sit there are guard your shit.
Option 2. Take the chance and move them. Risk stressing the hell out of them. Maybe even killing one.
Worth the risk.

I pick option 2. I rather be the one who rips them out of the ground...yah know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
I would move them, you will still get some bud if they do die. And I would definitely stay as far away from whoever that might be.


Well-Known Member
This doesnt make sense, why would someone who has found your patch plant right next to it and leave his other shit there? bro i dont think he has found yours so just pull his little plant out take his toys and throw them in the bin, he will come out realise hes been ripped and fuck off. Its your land not his, he can piss off.


Well-Known Member
This doesnt make sense, why would someone who has found your patch plant right next to it and leave his other shit there? bro i dont think he has found yours so just pull his little plant out take his toys and throw them in the bin, he will come out realise hes been ripped and fuck off. Its your land not his, he can piss off.
and the other guy will absolutely forget where op's plants are. come on man


Active Member
that is the most fucked up story i have heard today. dig you shit up and leave a big dump there you have been compromised. or stick around maybe your new friend needs a hug


Well-Known Member
Put a tent and a chair up nobody will come close they will think someones guarding it and will shoot them I wouldnt walk into a patch if there was a tent lol.


Active Member
Don't move them till you inspect your autos for seeds and or pollen sacks.They could be hermi. How close are the babies and where there any buds missing?
Nothing was missing, but My plants are impossible to miss at the moment, so im pretty sure they have been noticed. I really dont want to stress the plants since they look perfect.

What do you guys think about leaving à note saying "if you steal them now they Will die, I have seen you guys and I know who you are"

By the looks of their shitty plants and the toys, it is kids im dealing with so it might work to just scare the hell out of them. Im afraid to rip their plants tho, if they decide to do the same, My loss is WAY bigger Than theirs.

Another concern is that they Will show all their friend and just bring à shitload of attention to My spot (the spot has been perfect for three grows)

Can anyone Tell me what the best move is right now?

Thank you guys for all the good answers
They probably need at least 2-3 more weeks, their plants are just vegging at the moment, I couldnt tell what sex it was, but I would guess their plants are really bad looking 4-6 week olds


Well-Known Member
tell him he's responsible for security, and if ANYTHING happens to the plants, you will hold him responsible. say all this with a bat in your hand, and twitch one eye a little.
Im sure I could scare the shit out of him/them? But I actually havent seen them yet and they might just rip the plants anyway.

Does anyone know THE safest way to move them from one outdoor location to another?
Im thinking: move them slowly, make sure all the roots are ok, fill a bag or pot with soil and get them to the new location quick and plant them again.

Is there anything Else I need to keep in mind?

4 2 0

Active Member
when i had to move a plant that was buried in ground, i used my hands and dug around the outside of the hole, and down as far as i could and then brought them up trying to contain the rootball in my hands carfully, then placed into a 5 gallon bucket half full of dirt, a week later when i visited the moved plant it had new growth and was doing fine, on the other hand if it was me i would be camping there untell i got to have a talk with them.

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
when i had to move a plant that was buried in ground, i used my hands and dug around the outside of the hole, and down as far as i could and then brought them up trying to contain the rootball in my hands carfully, then placed into a 5 gallon bucket half full of dirt, a week later when i visited the moved plant it had new growth and was doing fine, on the other hand if it was me i would be camping there untell i got to have a talk with them.
and then what? try to come to an agreement!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
it has to be a kid that has found your grow and thinks its safe to plant his there too. i am sure he will bring his friends to see his plants and show them yours at the same time. the kid that planted them may not steal yours but his friends will come back and take yours and his.

i would move them asap. find a new spot, dig the holes, then dig up your plants and replant.

then just leave it at that or after you move yours go back and pull his plants up and fill in the holes where yours were and make them look like yours were pulled out of the ground too. maybe the kid will think someone stole them all and he wont come back there again. in a couple years try and grow a few plants there again and see what happens.

any ideas who it might be? neighbor kids or something.