Emergency NEED HELP with electrical problem my FLIP FLOP RELAY was sparking!!!!


Active Member
Hi guys need some help not sure what the hell happened!!! I built this relay on my own, and it's worked perfect for 3 months.
I built this for 2 1000w ballasts and 4 lamps, (2 lamps in each 12/12 room)
I'm using a digital timer so the on/off time determines which lamps are on in a room
So tonight I was working in the room were the lights were on and knew that any second the timer would go off and I need the light on in that room for a few more minutes to finish planting.

When I heard the clicking of the relays which is normal for the light to go off I ran over and pushed the timer button on which cause the relay to click again like normal but at the same time I heard the click I was seeing fireworks come from the receptacle where I plug the output of my 2 1000w ballasts. I have them marked ballast Y and ballast B.
I attached photos and need help fast because I have no light in any of my room still I figure out why it did that. I was thinking of using 2 separate receptacles one for each ballast output instead of the one.
Also I found that receptacle in a box I found years and years ago. could it be bad? or cant handle the 2000w that the ballast puts out

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
so you have 2 ballasts running 4 bulbs with only 2 on at a time through a relay switch if i understand correctly.... is that a 15 amp or a 20 amp receptacle? why dont you have the ground hooked up? also are you using magnetic or electronic ballasts? obviously buy a new receptacle, i would buy a new box to fit it in as well, make sure your new receptacle is gfi protected. it looks like the side wall of the box touched the hot wire and shorted it out or maybe your relay is slow and accpeted too much power and overloaded the receptacle alloted amperage.

if the relay is slow change your timer and allow a few minutes in between the lights going off and the next lights powering up.


Active Member
thanks I have not idea on the amps of the receptical. running Magnetic ballasts and I have a proper box for it but didnt want to leavemy rooms with no light. So I didnt have a recepitcal and live on a farm 1 hour away from a store so I did this . Photo
Thanks a lot for the reply man!! I didn't even think that a receptical would have a amps rating. I thought they were rated for either 120v or 240v. shit I learned something!! well I hope this is better till tomorrow .

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
if youre using magnetic ballasts then you are probably running about 9 amps per light, which would put you at bout 18 amps with both lights on. most household receptacles are 15 amps!!! upgrade to a 20 amp or more receptacle, and in doing so you may also need to upgrade your breaker in the breaker panel. most household breakers will only allow 15 or 20 amps and @ 18 amps between the 2 ballasts you are really pushing it. and if the relay is slow, then you are sending at "switch" time, upwards of 30 amps to a 15/20 amp outlet.

your best bet is to have an electrician come out and set you up with a few dedicated lines to your grow area. the last thing you want to do is burn down your house because of jerry-wrigged electrical. take your receptacle shortage as a warning dude. im not an electrician but this IS common knowledge in building. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Man you got some good advice. I'm not going to add to it, but you should find someone to do the work for you, or learn a little more about safety, amperage ratings, etc. I found an electrician who didn't care what I was doing, and he was out of work. We still have a great relationship.