EMERGENCY! Need help with outdoor grow

I'm having a huge problem with my outdoor grow. Does anybody have any ideas why my female outdoor plants would be flowering right now?
I put them out over a month ago....and they shouldn't even be close to flowering!:confused:
As far as I know, I have done nothing wrong, or different from when I put plants outside last year...
Anyone have ANY ideas?!?


Well-Known Member
well if your in mi your plant would freeze more info is required, and the plant your growing temps your location,


Active Member
The hours right now around the 39th parallel area and south / northish are running 13.2 hours a day. Some strains will flower right now, but will slow down and start to reveg soon.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
From other threads I've read you planted too early.
They will come back though.
Don't do anything stupid in between to fix them.
I'm in Oregon....I planted quite a few different strains, and they were all clones. They were all 100% female for sure!
I've been doing this for years, and this is the first time this has happened. I put plants out this year around
the same time and didn't have this problem last year.
Thanks for the support!


Active Member
Because they sensed their daylight getting shorter. You took them from an 18 (most likely) hour day to somewhere around 12 hours and they think their growing season is ending. I do this all season long. Veg my plants indoors and stick them outside to flower. I get several harvests a year and have never had problem with revegging.


Well-Known Member
Idk about b4, but do know if those clones where under 18 or more hours of light they will flower. Don't know bout way up there but I'm almost in mexico and mine will flower to finish. I have a bunch now as I type doing so.


Well-Known Member
Is it the same strain? the more indica the more chance of flowering. They wont reveg for at least a month, losing valuable time and even if they do reveg in june the finished product isn't as good, not as dense. Are you sure you put them out in mid March last year and they didn't flower?


Well-Known Member
When they reveg cut out the stringy old loose bud otherwise it rots on the plant in turn rotting the autumn harvest, cut the top 2/3 of the plant as it will re-shoot from the bottom.
It's not all the same strain, mainly dominant indica. I am so sure I put it out this time last year and had no problems.
When the plants reveg, will the finished harvest be that badly affected?


Active Member
What lights did you start them under?

I agree- if you had them under 24/0 or 18/6 and put them out before April, they thought it was fall...

They'll reveg eventually... but you'll want to watch them for signs of stress...

Are tehy 'in-ground' or planters?
If in planters- put em back indoors under 18/6 for a few weeks- they'll have plenty of time to veg outdoors before bloom time late July/Early August!
When they reveg cut out the stringy old loose bud otherwise it rots on the plant in turn rotting the autumn harvest, cut the top 2/3 of the plant as it will re-shoot from the bottom.

  • Do I cut the tops off right now or do I wait to see new growth of veg before I cut?​
