

Well-Known Member
wtf laser its on the same topic he has plants and doesnt know what to do with them i was in the same bout just decided to leave them and take a chance


Well-Known Member
you dont have a friend? I took all my plants and brought them to friends house once and set it up with a space heater in his shed for a day in October. You need a friend you have real dirt on LOL so you wont fuck each other over.
lol a lot of ppl posted without reading the whole thread or even the my original post... anyways, I just moved to the city for school and dont know anyone out here all my friends live 30 miles away, plus my plants are up to my neck so a car was out of the question. My friend was going to come pick them up in his suv but he messured it and they wouldnt of fit. Plus, I would have to give them my light, fan, and to be honest I dont really trust other people caring for my plants that Ive raised... plus my friends are pot fiends and I wouldnt be surprised it they would pick an immature bud and try to spark it up :dunce: ..


Well-Known Member
I'm always curious why people respond to threads without reading all of the way through them. Is it just laziness? This is only a couple of pages and it was a worthwhile read I think. A lot of good suggestions were made and alot of good points were touched upon.
ya man, ppl like talking more than than listening is my guess... lol


Well-Known Member
Glad everything worked out and now you have a type of permanent plan. I guess the only real question here is... What would have caused the buds to nearly double in size? You just transplanted and then moved them into a 40 degree (added 10 for being inside) that would have freaked the hell outta them. Did you just find a weird secret advanced grow technique? hmmm.
lmao, i think I did invent a new technique, ;-) , nah I think its probably cause i re potted them plus they were just hit the point when they were starting to take off, plus i gave them a nice nute cocktail added in with a bit of my imagination possibly... One of the girls just keeps on growing though its getting ridiculously tall, wish it would stop, it was 1 foot tall when i put into flowering and now its over up to my chin


Well-Known Member
Check the midle of page 14... They were taken about a week ago, cant really see the buds with the quality of the camera though


Well-Known Member
I had a change of heart. I'll share my theory.

But please understand that this theory is based on my own experience and observation. It's a theory. I have no proof. So if any shithouse breeder, or weed baron, comes along and demands scientific data, sourcing, or any kind of proof whatsoever; I will dedicate my RIU existence into neg repping said member into the motherfucking stone age.

In order to understand my idea, a couple of premises must be accepted.

1) The predisposition for hermaphrodism is present in every cannabis seed; in a spectrum from 1 to 100 with zero being no possible chance of hermaphrodism and 100 being full hermaphrodite.

2) Nature intends for all cannabis plants to reproduce.

The abrupt change of conditions (stress due to a sudden drop in temperature and extended darkness) in the flowering stage signaled that the end of its life was near. JN811 has plants that are in the lower end of the hermie spectrum, meaning they have a low chance of going hermaphrodite. As a result, instead of going hermie to reproduce, the plants enlarged the flowers in the hope they could be fertilized by late and errant pollen.


Well-Known Member
wtf laser its on the same topic he has plants and doesnt know what to do with them i was in the same bout just decided to leave them and take a chance
It was not directed AT you, there were just 3 or 4 posts there where it seemed clear people were hitting "reply" on something other than the last page.

I hit reply and you were the last one so it quoted it and it sorta fit so I left it. I really should've removed the quote brotha. It wasn't directed at you. And it was a legit question, I'm always wondering why someone would do that? Why when you can see there are x number of pages left in this discussion would you hit reply on the front page and not bother reading through the discussion and figure you have some input? Nobody's going to be talking about what you are talking about anymore or have any context to what you're posting.

Now skipping to the END of the discussion and only reading the last few pages while it can get you into trouble at least I can wrap my head around.

But I digress as it's completely off-topic, but uhnnn....we need some new pictures of this amazing growth brotha.

My theory has always been that if you leave the plant in the dark longer the Auxins and other hormones that are photosensitive and who's movement is restricted during the light cycle will be more active during the extended period of darkness. You basically made yoru plant into a raging hormonal crazy plant by leaving it in the dark for so long.

I've often wondered if you were to extend the dark period to say 24 hours and 24 hours off/12 hours on would there be a benefit. But I'm not a tool and I realize that SOMEBODY has done this and it's not beneficial. Playing with lighting schedules was the FIRST game we played to get plants to grow indoors so all sorts of systems where tried and 12/12 was deemed to work best. Not saying you CAN'T still find something better, just that many, many others have tried and they always end up back on 12/12.

But throwing in an occasional 24 hour dark period can't hurt it's just the lack of knowing if it helps keeps us all away.


Well-Known Member
Intresting theories fellows.. The only thing is that they didnt get any extra dark at all they actually stayed on the exact same lighting cycle as I had everything back set up in time for the lights to come on.. That being said, I took some pics last night but my computers all fucked up so I am running in safe mode right now and my "Microsoft Mobile" program, the one I use to upload pics isn't working in safe mode. So unfortunetly until I get my computer fixed I cant upload any pictured. Like I said earlier, I really think the growth happened mainly because the plants were rootbound in the 3 gallon pots I had them in, in fact I know they were, and they finally had more space to grow. My best Ice plant also shot up another 3-4 inches in the last couple days. In addition, I mixed up a flowering "cocktail" of 4 diffrent types of organic nutes...
You're probably right about the transplant and feeding boosting the growth. Although I wouldn't rule out the sudden shot of cold, either.

Here's hoping Monday works out as well as the last time.


Well-Known Member
Since I have some pros here, I figure I should ask this question, I have brown spots that are on two of my plants and every leaf set with the spots has a purple stem.. They started at the bottom fan leaves and worked there way upward killing off most of the original fan leaves along the main stem... Now the problem seems to be spreading spuraticly throughout the leaves, eventually making them completely brown and crumble, I have not checked the ph as Im broke and have no funds to adjust it at this point plus I have no car to get anywhere to buy ph strips... anyways, if this is a lockout which I assume that it is, would it be because the ph is too high or too low? I flushed the plants yesterday, which I was very hesitant about doing... Can anyone tell me what this sounds like, and again I appologize 4 lack of pictures but maybe this sounds framilar to someone..


Well-Known Member
Since I have some pros here, I figure I should ask this question, I have brown spots that are on two of my plants and every leaf set with the spots has a purple stem.. They started at the bottom fan leaves and worked there way upward killing off most of the original fan leaves along the main stem... Now the problem seems to be spreading spuraticly throughout the leaves, eventually making them completely brown and crumble, I have not checked the ph as Im broke and have no funds to adjust it at this point plus I have no car to get anywhere to buy ph strips... anyways, if this is a lockout which I assume that it is, would it be because the ph is too high or too low? I flushed the plants yesterday, which I was very hesitant about doing... Can anyone tell me what this sounds like, and again I appologize 4 lack of pictures but maybe this sounds framilar to someone..

Without pictures I'd say you have a lockout of MG. I don't really remember all the details of your grow, but if you haven't checked ph and your getting further along in flower I'd say your ph is too low. You are probably getting a buildup in the soil and it's dropped your ph too low gradually. But really you need to check it. Go to a pet store or garden supply place and at least get test strips. You can't blindly go changing your ph for your waterings either.

It could also be a lockout of MG due to too high of Ca. content in your water if you're using very hard tap water. I would normally check ph first to eliminate the lockout being there, then move on to the tap water and checking the ppm of my water (if using tap at all).

See without pictures or some more information I'm really just throwin' random darts at you. It might not even be an MG probem, it's too hard to say just randomly guessin' brotha.

My only advice would be to CHECK for the obvious and DO nothing yet. See if you can provide us with some more info or pics and I'm sure it can be sorted out.


Well-Known Member
Without pictures I'd say you have a lockout of MG. I don't really remember all the details of your grow, but if you haven't checked ph and your getting further along in flower I'd say your ph is too low. You are probably getting a buildup in the soil and it's dropped your ph too low gradually. But really you need to check it. Go to a pet store or garden supply place and at least get test strips. You can't blindly go changing your ph for your waterings either.

It could also be a lockout of MG due to too high of Ca. content in your water if you're using very hard tap water. I would normally check ph first to eliminate the lockout being there, then move on to the tap water and checking the ppm of my water (if using tap at all).

See without pictures or some more information I'm really just throwin' random darts at you. It might not even be an MG probem, it's too hard to say just randomly guessin' brotha.

My only advice would be to CHECK for the obvious and DO nothing yet. See if you can provide us with some more info or pics and I'm sure it can be sorted out.
ya man i understand. I was actually thinking it was a calcium mag. deficency as well. I really wish i could upload some pic Ive been trying to figure out whats wrong with my computer for a while.... Ok Im going to get some ph strips but I need advice on what to use to raise or lower my ph, I read that lime takes months to actually work.. Do you have a site where i can buy ph up and down for soil? Or anything that will work quickly? The plant that has the most problems buds are definetly lagging behind.. Thanks for the help!


Active Member
I had a change of heart. I'll share my theory.

But please understand that this theory is based on my own experience and observation. It's a theory. I have no proof. So if any shithouse breeder, or weed baron, comes along and demands scientific data, sourcing, or any kind of proof whatsoever; I will dedicate my RIU existence into neg repping said member into the motherfucking stone age.

In order to understand my idea, a couple of premises must be accepted.

1) The predisposition for hermaphrodism is present in every cannabis seed; in a spectrum from 1 to 100 with zero being no possible chance of hermaphrodism and 100 being full hermaphrodite.

2) Nature intends for all cannabis plants to reproduce.

The abrupt change of conditions (stress due to a sudden drop in temperature and extended darkness) in the flowering stage signaled that the end of its life was near. JN811 has plants that are in the lower end of the hermie spectrum, meaning they have a low chance of going hermaphrodite. As a result, instead of going hermie to reproduce, the plants enlarged the flowers in the hope they could be fertilized by late and errant pollen.
I would say that this statement is based on general experience some general knowledge, so not a bad theory at all. I think I might try this sometime, just as an expirament to see. If I do, I will definitely record the whole experience so I can show the theory at work. Good call man.


Active Member
Without pictures I'd say you have a lockout of MG. I don't really remember all the details of your grow, but if you haven't checked ph and your getting further along in flower I'd say your ph is too low. You are probably getting a buildup in the soil and it's dropped your ph too low gradually. But really you need to check it. Go to a pet store or garden supply place and at least get test strips. You can't blindly go changing your ph for your waterings either.

It could also be a lockout of MG due to too high of Ca. content in your water if you're using very hard tap water. I would normally check ph first to eliminate the lockout being there, then move on to the tap water and checking the ppm of my water (if using tap at all).

See without pictures or some more information I'm really just throwin' random darts at you. It might not even be an MG probem, it's too hard to say just randomly guessin' brotha.

My only advice would be to CHECK for the obvious and DO nothing yet. See if you can provide us with some more info or pics and I'm sure it can be sorted out.

LMAO, I was just going to say that it sounded like a MG or Ca deficiency rather than a pH problem. I think he could have the beginings of lockout though. Just get some CalMag, flush the plants with pH balanced water ,if you can, add the regular dose of nutes with some CalMag. You should see results in as a little as a day or 2.


Well-Known Member
i dont think ph strips are acurate enuff, get a meter. in the uk i got one for £6, maybe $10. as for ph changing thers all kinds of advice : vinegar,lemon juice, baking soda, aquarium ph up&dow. check them out and choose ur own. if poss and if u can afford it maybe try two or three bottled waters for ph and flush with them, probably better than fuckin around wi chemicals but pricey.


Well-Known Member
i dont think ph strips are acurate enuff, get a meter. in the uk i got one for £6, maybe $10. as for ph changing thers all kinds of advice : vinegar,lemon juice, baking soda, aquarium ph up&dow. check them out and choose ur own. if poss and if u can afford it maybe try two or three bottled waters for ph and flush with them, probably better than fuckin around wi chemicals but pricey.

The test strips will work just fine for a soil grow. You don't have to have your ph DEAD on, MJ will grow and survive just fine in soil with a ph anywhere from about 5.5 - 8.0. This plant is very tolerant, but over time sometimes that ph call fall to 4.5 because of nutrient buildup. It could also be that your water has a ph of like 8.3 (like mine does) and it's jacking you all up. The strips ain' t the best, but they will tell you if you are WAY off base.

If you aren't WAY off base, then I would flush, add back 1/4 strength nutes and use some CalMag (botanicare) to help out. Gradually bring the nutes back up to full strength over the course of a week. You could also use epsom salt to add MG, but if it's a lockout and not a lack of availability you'll end up locking out Calcium and potentially other elements. It's really best to eliminate the ph problem first and give a good flush, you can use CalMag as a foliar feeding to relieve the stress while you sort out the lockout problems in the root zone.

As far as where to get ph up/down you can order it online from all sorts of hydro stores. You can use the aquarium stuff, but it's byproduct is going to be salt so be very careful and don't overdo it.

GL, remember eliminate and identify the problem, THEN react. Sometimes the correction is worse than the original problem.