Eminem - Best rapper?

em is ONE of the best alive or dead, he can switch his flow up in so many ways and can destroy alot of free stylers who really dont freestyle they wright it down then remember it. Em can free style.
and i am pretty sure snoop is cool with Em. snoop dog is so gay now, the only good shit he made was produced by dre.
rap is whack now any ways so cares who's the best at something so whack, its 2010 we need new style of music to come out or at least a new mix of old stuff like deathmetal-dubstep-trance-rap with a little bit of a regge feel and some church organ solo's lol lets see M&M do that hahaha and no songs about getting money, girls, or money, also no more songs about ex's or falling in love, music used to be considerd a type of artistic expression its since mainly become very trite
i love all kinds of music, (except country). i have to say eminem, in my opinion (and my best friend's) is the best rapper of all time. there are greats that came before him but i truly believe he's the most talented rapper we've seen yet.

there are plenty others that are more talented than him in other genres of music, but rap, he's untouchable if you ask me.
I do not, and never have liked rap/hip hop. It's all about guys bragging and acting tough. And white guys that wanna be black. Can't relate to the lyrics since my lifestyle is so different and I never lived in the hood. Rock and Roll for life!
you guys have a seriously misunderstanding of what hip hop is and just because the mainstream plays "rap", "hip hop", etc. don't mean it is what it is.

hip hop is a voice from the voiceless. hip is the knowledge, hop is the movement. just because it's got some bass and sampling beat with some rhyming words don't mean it's hip hop.

yall got it twisted
I don't think that "the best" exists when it comes to music. Too many different opinion's and tastes.

Eminem is cool though, I like a lot of his stuff. But to say he's the best rapper ever is a little ignorant.
He's had some bad (really bad) stuff like any other musician, and some really good stuff.

Considering the competition though, it's not really that hard to be good. Hip Hop especially has become so fucking mainstream. Hip hop and rap are 2 music genre's that have suffered a lot from the mainstream and pop culture's.
I mean the shit that these try hards spit out and sell by the million's can't be considered rap or hip hop! It sucks, but unfortunately that's the direction it's going in, thankfully we have a couple (eminem included) that are trying to keep the roots alive.
eminem is hella good. but his new album really isn't.

and common, eminem isn't just like any musician, he had such epic hits that went on a whole other level.
I do not, and never have liked rap/hip hop. It's all about guys bragging and acting tough. And white guys that wanna be black. Can't relate to the lyrics since my lifestyle is so different and I never lived in the hood. Rock and Roll for life!
rock and roll is dead name one new rock group that's good and don't bring up the old classic's
rock and roll is dead name one new rock group that's good and don't bring up the old classic's

I have to agree, i can't think of any "rock and roll" groups in todays industry, hell, it seems we have very little of any decent music. Anything quick and catchy that might make them good money, that's all people focus on, little originality (i see rapping as one of these types of genres, it just seems to be forever angry men talking about how they are real good adn their ho is banging and they got ruims and money and all that lot)
"rappers" today are total shit. just about any music that comes out now is either total crap or something that will sound good if you have subs. but there is no lyrical backup.. all just shit that "sounds good" eminem is decent.. and a great white rapper, but still compared to below.. i dunno man

try some mos def, scarface, jurassic 5, krs1, nas, gang star, mob deep, tribe called quest, big L, big daddy kane, raekwon, and of course 2pac and biggie. then come back and tell us how good lil wayne is.

rock and roll is dead name one new rock group that's good and don't bring up the old classic's
sad to say, but its true.
but i think bone thugs from like 99-01 was the best.

hellz yeah love me some old bone

I have to agree, i can't think of any "rock and roll" groups in todays industry, hell, it seems we have very little of any decent music. Anything quick and catchy that might make them good money, that's all people focus on, little originality (i see rapping as one of these types of genres, it just seems to be forever angry men talking about how they are real good adn their ho is banging and they got ruims and money and all that lot)

depends on what u consider rock and roll Sevenfold,Rise Against,Them Crooked Vultures, and make fun of me if u want but Paramore is a pretty talented bunch of kids

tupac = the best ever :D

I gotta agree 2pac was and always will be the best rapper ever although Em might have used to be the up there w/ pac when freestyle was his thing especially and his CDs are good Old stuff was better, recovery isnt terrible, i like So Bad and Cold Wind Blows(kind throw bak to old stuff)
This is the saddest post I have ever read in my entire life, I wont believe it. Rock will live forever!!!!!!
i know right sum1 is out of touch with reality...anywayz if anything Rap is dead at least good rap...dunno though well se how cudi's new CD is once i DL it and TI may return to save the game from the evil little troll known as Wayne