End Game???

main concern for me about the completely legal theory is that it will go the way of tobacco farmers and distillers. taxed and regulated out of existence. where as you might have had 40 small farms in a county now whats left but the one or two mega farms and distilleries who can afford all the fees and keep up with all the fed regulations and inspections. so the smalltime guy with his basement garden will still be a criminal and be sought after the same way the shiners are in the south. i would be happy if the list of ailments allowing mmj were widened substantially and brobama stuck to his word about having the feds leave us "legal and compliant" growers the fuck alone. let the cardholders legally deal with eachother cg2cg or p2p or cg2p or whatever .
and for the record i have absolutely no problem with anyone making a profit or a living for that matter growing maryjane for medical use or otherwise. i'd much rather my neighbor be able to grow as full time job or even for some extra scratch cause his kid wants to go to disney or his wife wants a new whatever or he likes that new challenger (ya get my drift) and keep a disp supplied and his # of patients supplied than any one of the big pharms and everyones happy cause if they weren't he wouldn't be making profit now would he
Hey All,

Our good BUDy bob got me to thinkin (LOL). What is Your end game with MMJ/Cannabis laws??

His? tight regulation. LEO involved with every aspect. Sound about correct?

Mine? get the Fuck out of My Garden LEO


Legal to grow and possess
Illegal to sell
Legal to grow and possess
Illegal to sell

thats odd because most of the people i know who need it most and benefit greatly are the same people who are in no shape to grow. and many others either haven't got the time, means or ability. but fuck them cause i can grow for me!!
yeah.....so seeds need to come out of thin air or be bartered for a cheese wheel like I'm some caveman trading a rock for a stick? I think comerece has come a long way since those times and maybe we keep up with that model. I can buy smokes that will kill me. I can buy draino that will kill me (should I drink it as is my right as an american!) I can buy equally deadly or inert house plants with the monitary system in place but this one plant should be the exception where I go back to the stone age and trade a samich for a bud or look for some dude who has lots of extra and a big heart and feels I am sick enough for his generosity. yeah, that plan sounds legit. Mrs. Regan, is that you?
These laws are just silly form my point of view. It's almost as if the folks writing them hav never grown do much as a bean in science class. The bottom line is that the "suits" still buy into Anslinger's bullshit.

Examples. 12 plants. 2.5 zips.
The whole locking plants up like they are some evil SUV. my missus and I must lock each other out?? Really really.
Going to the doctor... Period..... Dot
If one was versed in healing,of which cannabis was a part?? Sure

Male plants?
Sec 8 caregivers

Again my "end game" completely out of my garden.
Cheesey rice; do you believe that patients who are very ill deserve access to the best medicine available; or only the quality that they can cultivate? I think of the things necessary to grow top shelf medicine and among the biggest one that flaws the idea of only growing for ones self is pheno hunting and strain testing. this medicine is not aspirin, its a whole apothecary. people don't always have time nor resources to find their best medicine for their ailment. I always smell fear when people take that stance of only grow your own. it's as if pot is a dirty secret to those people and they only want to keep it hidden from view. it's not anything to be afraid of I SMOKE THE GANJA!!!! say it proudly. demand more out life than to hid in your basement alone smoking up doobies and growing your plants-you aren't gulty of anything truely wrong.
There is no chance China or any other country could under cut us..no way , no how..

That has to be the stupidest statement in the world.. They HAVE undercut us on EVERYTHING, if the power is cheap, labor is cheap, parts are cheap, they can grow it WAY cheaper then we could ever and then make the prices dirt cheap, and it would ruin the entire market, I am not for it to become totally legally, you say it will create jobs, what jobs? If anything it will TAKE away jobs by eliminating the DRs that recommend it, the state workers to process our cards and who knows what else.
keep pot illegal. i am the counter culture and not mainstream.
tax and regulate a natural plant? what a complete joke lol.
Great now the Chinese are going to overgrow us..

It would be a stupid ass sumbich to be smokin some shit grown by the Chinese.. Can't even play with their toys without getting poisoned, you wanna smoke some shit?
My house, my garden, GTFO... that's my opinion.

I can't say I'm a perfect example, but there's still a need for some regulation, like driving around gettin high. However, since the feds still take >20% of my income, I'd prefer they listen to people like us, that don't harm anybody, and just want to chill when we get home.

decriminalize it(cannabis) as a nation, and let the states decide what they want to do about it. Maintain our borders, and for the love of everything good, let us grow hemp for textiles, construction, fuel, etc.
Ryan...China is a disgusting shithole....the water is nasty n polluted...the air is gross....they tried to import water from lake Michigan to water their apple trees....noway China becomes a player in this game...I could go buy pounds of schwag for 400 a lb of Mexican brown but nobody would buy that shit....
Agreed wimbo ...the industrial hemp could create tens of thousands of jobs n help conserve Nat. Resources.
Agreed wimbo ...the industrial hemp could create tens of thousands of jobs n help conserve Nat. Resources.

That, and save hundreds of farmers from losing their homes/business. Hemp grows the fastest, and is the best resource for biofuel. Next best option I thought was sugarcane, and turnaround is poor by comparison.

MI uses a lot of coal for power, but nothing compared to China. Add to the fact that they would have to ship it to the US, and the carbon footprint would be huge.
I'm not a total hippie, but we only get one planet to fuck up, I'd rather not waste it getting it wasted.
Total legalization across the country.... no cards, no md's ..18 and over can buy from a store or from a grower on the street...each state can charge 100$ a year for a grow license and growers pay income tax on sales.testing facilities available to get product checked for harmful chems and insecticides and for potency...This would create many legit jobs and the price would drop 50% across the board..schwag would be a thing of the past and the cartels would be cut out completely..home grown american green would be available to anyone at a good price.
Sounds bout right on the F/ing money
Total legalization across the country.... no cards, no md's ..18 and over can buy from a store or from a grower on the street...each state can charge 100$ a year for a grow license and growers pay income tax on sales.testing facilities available to get product checked for harmful chems and insecticides and for potency...This would create many legit jobs and the price would drop 50% across the board..schwag would be a thing of the past and the cartels would be cut out completely..home grown american green would be available to anyone at a good price.

Marlboro/Camel etc will be the main companies to sell it, won't be a need to get a grow license from the state for the average joe as you won't be able to make a dime trying to compete, tobacco companies will sell it for 5-10 bucks for a pack of joints at speedway.
Marlboro/Camel etc will be the main companies to sell it, won't be a need to get a grow license from the state for the average joe as you won't be able to make a dime trying to compete, tobacco companies will sell it for 5-10 bucks for a pack of joints at speedway.
Years ago and a couple lifetimes I ran in the Tennessee and Kentucky locals. The word was big cig keeps acres ready to plant in cannabis the moment it is legal.

Crop rotation with a special purpose