End Game???

it seems they (kids) will find a way to experiment, so educate them. teach responsibility and alternatives like 'high on life'. not religion, but overall health, diet, exercise and edification. many ways to reduce stress and still be one of the kool kids.
I plant my melons and pumpkins near the road side of my place. free for any kid who wants em ;) bad enough ;) never lost a one

best watermelon I ever tasted had a little fine shot in it...so did my,slower runnin pards asses. That was a lasting education!!
Do you seriously think the general public will ever be ok with their 13year olds smoking weed cuz you left your plants out in the open? So what, your going sick your dog on some teenager, or maybe shoot them? You must be a real fucking saint if you think its ok to hurt/kill some kids because you'd rather not lock your shit up! What's so wrong with keeping your drugs locked up?

I say 21 years old because that's the drinking age...if states want to lower it to 18, I wouldn't give a shit, but it's far more likely to start at 21 years old. If we can't appease the worried parents with restrictions and common sense regulations designed to keep their kids safe, than it's never going to happen!
You are very naive, there is not a teenager in the country who can't buy a bag of weed from someone they know...How old were you when you first smoked? drank?...laws do not stop people from experimenting ..all they do is ruin a kids record with a possession arrest...I have never had my home or garage broken into and had anything stolen...that is one of the reasons why I have dogs..to watch my home and possessions when I am not around or sleeping...It is real simple ..don't break into someones home or garage and you won't have any problems.I don't give a shit about "worrying parents" most kids in this country are out of control because their parents are lazy and don't give a shit..weed is the least of their problems..these kids are smoking bath salts and other poisons because weed is illegal and they can buy this poison legally.I have no sympathy for a thief who gets bitten by a dog or gets their ass beat for thieving.The greedy Government has no problem selling cigs to 18 year old kids that they know will be addicted for life but weed? which is not addictive and has never killed a single person in it's existence is the scapegoat..fuck that..I don't own guns, not a hunter or a gun enthusiast ...
I'm not talking about kids breaking into your house/garage to get your shit...obviously they'll get what's coming to them...I'm talking about outside, in your yard, for anybody to take! If it's locked up in a dog kennel or something, that's different. Though once industrial hemp is legalized, out door marijuana will probably end up super seedy.

I was able to acquire marijuana when I was 18...it was alot easier than alcohol, because my drug dealers never carded me! Why 21? Because if you're old enough to buy alcohol and drink yourself retarded, then why not weed? If marijuana were legal for adults...you could walked to the store and buy some, then the black market drug dealers would disappear.

Cigarettes, though I'm sure it's possible, don't make a person inebriated...they're not really what you'd consider a recreational drug in the sense that you don't become "under the influence".
I think we should be able to kick the shit out of kids. They would act better if we could fuck them up and you guys know it.
Not just thieving kids, but all them little bastards.
I'm not talking about kids breaking into your house/garage to get your shit...obviously they'll get what's coming to them...I'm talking about outside, in your yard, for anybody to take! If it's locked up in a dog kennel or something, that's different. Though once industrial hemp is legalized, out door marijuana will probably end up super seedy.

I was able to acquire marijuana when I was 18...it was alot easier than alcohol, because my drug dealers never carded me! Why 21? Because if you're old enough to buy alcohol and drink yourself retarded, then why not weed? If marijuana were legal for adults...you could walked to the store and buy some, then the black market drug dealers would disappear.

Cigarettes, though I'm sure it's possible, don't make a person inebriated...they're not really what you'd consider a recreational drug in the sense that you don't become "under the influence".

my yard is my dog kennel
I dont think it should be based on age at all. supervision yes age not so much. what about children with cancer?Have you ever seen what it does for adhd?
I think in michigan with two doctors approvals a 13 yo can use cannabis rite now.
And the parent/legal guardian must be the caregiver.

I dont think it should be based on age at all. supervision yes age not so much. what about children with cancer?Have you ever seen what it does for adhd?
I'm talking about recreational use...If your kid has cancer, go buy some weed for him/her. If you want to give your kid weed for recreational use, that's up to you. If you give my kid weed without my permission, watch your back...
I think we should be able to kick the shit out of kids. They would act better if we could fuck them up and you guys know it.
Not just thieving kids, but all them little bastards.

I agree - when I was a kid if I fucked up any neighbor felt free to haul off and whack you one.
It was good for manners.
And the parent/legal guardian must be the caregiver.

I'm talking about recreational use...If your kid has cancer, go buy some weed for him/her. If you want to give your kid weed for recreational use, that's up to you. If you give my kid weed without my permission, watch your back...

Jesus fuck - he said you said it was okay - now I don't know who to believe.

I don't know how I'm going to make it without giving weed to kids; but I guess I'll manage somehow...
I think the point is that we want the plant to be reconsidered as well as rescheduled and reevaluated for it's laws and restrictions. Kids can drink red bull legally and not-so-smart parents supply it to them legally. I find that dangerous, more so than buds. I want the whole plant to be looked at diferently in that it is not a "drug" to me. not the way it's grown and consumed with little to no production or refining process, jsut dried out. it affects the mind, yes and the dangerous side of that is obvious with kids and development but redbull is dangerous the way it makes you act and feel as well some times. energy drinks are new and untested in so many ways that buds have been tested for thousands of years with 0 casualities reported or recorded. You got guys like me who see it as air or carrots or the like as far as danger to health and people who see it as powerful medicine. we don't deny the power of the meds just the level of danger associated with it and we want it to be seen that way not like the drugs it's classified with curently as schedule 1. we see this as the main root problem, the view of it as a potential threat to health at all. I think that is incorrect. I think habitual use would posssibly harm development in a social or mental way but not nearly as much as the root problem causing drug abuse and use at such a young age. sort of like bullets don't kill people people kill people. my $0.09 worth, 2 wouldn't cover it.
If you give my kid weed without my permission, watch your back...

...why? Your drug seeking teenager is NOT innocent anymore... and there is no evidence whatsoever mj is harmful in any way at any age, hell, Clinton's first Surgeon General actually openly recommended mj for morning sickness... and if my kid was looking for weed I would much rather he get it from a trusted source than be smoking paraquat drenched brick weed found in dark corners of warehouses, having been lost for decades. They will find it, and if they don't, god help you, because then they'll be switching to much dumber things, like drinking or doing inhalants. Or slamming Red Bulls like Cory just mentioned. Caffeine is actually quite addictive and kills people (heart problems...). It's very stressful on the body. The high doses you find in those drinks makes them feel like hits of speed.
I agree..the nasty mexican brick weed I smoked as a kid..scary to even think what was sprayed on that shit...legalization would cut the cartels out completely.
On the subject of discipline...

My parents were of the "whack em" school of thought and it certainly whipped me into line at times, but not out of respect... rather, out of fear of the consequences, with a burning sense of resentment and desire to skirt the rules...

My grandfather never laid a finger on me or raised his voice once, but when he was disappointed in me he made it clear, and believe me, that sunk in far deeper than getting whacked. It made me really respect him and genuinely desire his approval, and helped me to see why my behavior had to change, rather than just ruminating on "my stupid dad i hate him i hate him!" typical teenage bs.

Maybe some aren't like me that way, but at least I know if I ever had a kid like me I'll know how to raise him.