End of 3rd Week Pistils Changing Color (PICS)

Alrighty folks

I am 2 weeks and 5 days into flowering and I noticed this morning I have some pistils changing colors. It look like a pinkish color. Only the tips are like this. Not all of the pistils are changing, just a spot here and there. It looks more burnt then anything I'm guessing. I looked for a pollen sack but no luck. Any ideas??

By the way I know that I'm having small ph and mag issues. Could this be the cause?

Come on guys, please help me out. I am stressing so bad! This is my first grow and my only plant. PLEASE, someone say something.


Active Member
I had a simular experiance with my girls (5). One of the girls pistils start turning the same way about 5 weeks in to flowering, to start they all apeared to be Female but i believe now that one went "hermi" on me and turned all the girls into hermi or atleast seeded them all. I still let them all mature to 8 1/2 weeks before chopping them. They all had seeds but the smoke wasn't that bad, it worked for me, (first grow). I think my problem was either "light leak" or "stress" they went throw a lot of stress growing up, I had light issue's broken lights for a day or two, Nute problems, just alot of stress on the girls, and i've read that stress is a major cause of plants turning Hermi. Good luck and dont let anyone tell you to "pull it" it can still be good smoke. Most "bought" bags of weed have seeds, Right??


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me last grow. No problems, your just worrying too much. There are no other visual discrepancies with the plant, so don't stress it. (meaning you that is. ) :)


I am slightly new to growing as well (less than 1 year). I had a similar question as well with my plant. The pistils turned pink. I was told that it is probably genetic. Makes a pretty bud I'm told. I'm not stressing over it.
