Ending the Ronald Reagan Lie

I completely agree. Maybe two things I can think of right now would be crucial in setting shit straight:

1. Term limits on Congress. I should not be remembering Newt Gingrich in Congress in the 1990s and still seeing him in a government position or participating in politics nearly 30 years later. Him especially, but others, too. You should not be allowed to make a retirement plan out of Congress, especially when you are doing the opposite of enforcing the will of the People.

Imposing heavy restrictions or completely eliminating the practice of corporate lobbying and contributions. It is incomprehensible that a corporate entity should be able to pay politicians to ignore the will of the People so that business can make more money and further increase the population living below the poverty line. The medical field should not be able to lobby for laws that bring them wealth at the expense of the freedom of the citizens of this country. People are going to jail or dying, not for a common good, but for the interests of business, and it's fucking disgusting.
Four big industries basically run our government for their own profit and indemnification;
  1. Big Finance
  2. Big Medicine
  3. Big Oil
  4. Big Defense
As you can probably imagine, their interests are not the same as those of the rest of us.

Read this, "Jamie Dimon, you make us embarrassed to be Americans";

Oh, man. Don't tell me that. I'm going to end up punching th next Trump supporter I see in the fucking throat.
Reserve the throat punches for the Charles and David Koch smokers and Sheldon Adelsons of our country: our government is filled by and large with honest, dedicated and hard-working people. It is monsters like those I've named above who pervert our system to its current destructiveness of our shared prosperity and future.

And Jeff Bezos has just become the world's richest man, by a nose; hence the Bloomberg article I linked above. He's just another monopolist in a long line of them in our history, and just as inimical to all Americans.
Reserve the throat punches for the Charles and David Koch smokers and Sheldon Adelsons of our country: our government is filled by and large with honest, dedicated and hard-working people. It is monsters like those I've named above who pervert our system to its current destructiveness of our shared prosperity and future.

And Jeff Bezos has just become the world's richest man, by a nose; hence the Bloomberg article I linked above. He's just another monopolist in a long line of them in our history, and just as inimical to all Americans.
Yeah, I'm definitely finding him to be highly distasteful. He is monopolizing pretty much the entire market. Retail, Clothing, soon Food, etc.
We were in the Tangi in Southern Wardak in '09. We couldn't get any convoys for supplies in or out without someone being blown to shit. We always thought we were safe, flying in and out on missions. Like, on my way out, I personally thought "Watch, we're going to get up in the air, and they're going to blow us out of the sky. God's waiting to fuck with us." Then, in 2011, that actually happened to a Chinook full of 15-20 SEALs, 5 Rangers, 2 PJs, 1 CC, and a bunch of Afghan commandos. Worst loss of casualties in the entire war. It's now a no-go zone for all coalition forces. It's too hot of an AO, and there's only one road through the entire valley. You know how that shit goes
Back to the good discussion topic, I was sure hoping more combat vets would jump in before it got side-tracked by some petulant berntard a cheesy opinion about who to vote for. It seemed we were really touching on widely held societal views and it was just far more interesting than this crap about campaign contributions.
And don't forget; every fucking dime of those billions in campaign contributions is TAX DEDUCTIBLE, so effectively the American taxpayer is paying for our own subjugation!

Totally not hyperbole.

I wonder how much tax Bernie paid on the donations you dopes sent him?

He's a genius really, if he bitches about Corporate money he can rob you idiots willingly and directly.

Totally not hyperbole.

I wonder how much tax Bernie paid on the donations you dopes sent him?

He's a genius really, if he bitches about Corporate money he can rob you idiots willingly and directly.
Bernard the 1%er (life-long career politician who never had any other job except writing rape-fantasy) pays a very low tax rate from what I have read. I mean if we absolutely must derail the outstanding discussion we were having about veteran issues in order to discuss alt-left talking points, we might as well discuss them in an honest way.
And Jeff Bezos has just become the world's richest man, by a nose; hence the Bloomberg article I linked above. He's just another monopolist in a long line of them in our history, and just as inimical to all Americans.
And Michael Bloomberg is worth over 53 billion, so you're just being a copy/pasta bot. Did you ever think maybe Amazon does so well because people like ordering shit online? This is the problem with the whole alt-left line of thinking, you dolts go around using socialist language to bitch about the problems of capitalism but have absolutely no intention of opposing capitalism. At least the DNC has honest liberals who don't try to sell wolf tickets and say they oppose capitalism.
And Michael Bloomberg is worth over 53 billion, so you're just being a copy/pasta bot. Did you ever think maybe Amazon does so well because people like ordering shit online? This is the problem with the whole alt-left line of thinking, you dolts go around using socialist language to bitch about the problems of capitalism but have absolutely no intention of opposing capitalism. At least the DNC has honest liberals who don't try to sell wolf tickets and say they oppose capitalism.
I personally like ordering stuff online because it's likely in whatever store I go into they'll know very little about the very specific purchase I want to make and I know that with online ordering a dude just has to pick a product number off a shelf and pack it up.
Is that a reliable source?

I ask because everybody seems to tell me the news I watch isn't accurate.

But all these websites are?

There was more news clarity before the internet, if you ask me.

That's a fair question. Tough to know anymore with all of the bullshit on the internet. I've never heard of anyone calling them out on their numbers, but I honestly couldn't say for certain. All of these figures are public record, so I would imagine they have to be somewhat accurate.
