Solar power systems can get very expensive, if you are planning to run your entire home off grid. Those systems are 3000 watts minimum and have banks of batteries. Plus they require professional instalation to be certified to sell power back to the electric company. I'm not trying to do anything of that scale, I just want to lower my electric bill a little. Also, it will be a good thing to have next time a hurricane hits. Last time one hit, we were without power for 2 weeks. Luckally we have a lake house further inland that was not effected.
Damn right they are $$$$ that's why I like to see what you are doing as a start with yours. I was quoted 120k to produce 3k watts.
Fudgepuckers..... more research and a little time for the tech to catch up and prices to drop diy kits.
I'm not to concerned with carbon footprint. The only green I'm looking to save is in my wallet.
Amen BROTHER! That's what all the hard fricking work and sleepless nights are all about!
The green in my wallet that I don't need to spend on my beloved habit of enjoying Jane's
pleasures is priceless,,,,,
Don't be reliant on others and buy it, YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YER GETTING,,
Get in the garden, the closet, the garage, the cabs, Use your wit's and think things through.
Don't bother rushing The Plant, She can and will kick yer ass if you mistreat her.
Patience, love. time and a few other things that you will pick up on as you chase
your perfect Plant. Treat her right and she'll love ya back.