English HomeGrown Windowsill Plant


Active Member

Well This is My Little Window Plant, Nothing Special Jus some English Homegrown.. Not Using ANY Lights at All its All Sunllight From The Windowsilll Hense The Stretcy Case on the Stalk! Dunno if its Male or Female Yet, Would Like some Help on That Wen it Developes More. This is my First Plant Not to Bothered About it Just Seeing wat the Plant Does and Learning From It! It Needs Repoting to its Final Big Pot wich i will add A Touch Cavemans Bat Guano to JAB Jon Inne's #3 Soil With Perlite/Vermiculite and mayb some Bone Meal Should do the Trick for the remaining Life of this Plant. Been in This Pot Since Seed! i Didn't Germ with paper towel i just put it straight into the soil, soil is Westlands Erecosious with small amount of perlite, not the best soil but im not fussed. Im Jus Watering Tap Water Every 3-5 Days. i have my Proper CFL Grow under Construction Still Gathering Equipment! But When im Ready i will Of Course Make A Proper Journal in The CFL Section :) . . . Any Way i willl Add some More Pictures ect in Coming Weeks, This Plant is a Couple Months Old, its "Slow Growing" in The Crap English Weather here :) But it Seems Quite Content 5 Spear on Leaves Showing Now.. Feedback Greatly Appriciated :) Happy --> :joint:


Active Member
Do you use some kind of Bumping System for posts?? Like Once Every 4 Hours or Something Like Other Sites?? Wats Teh Rules?? xD

Anyhow Good day all, hope allll is stoned xD


follow the sun from ne window to the next if you can and maybe open a window or put a fan on it to strenghten the stalk


Active Member
yeh we had a nice sunny spell about a week ago i was sitting it outside letting it soak up some rays and get some wind round it, but rain and cloudy weather lately has prevented me from putting it there, hope the weather brightens up!! xD


Active Member
Did you ever get yield off this plant?

Well the plant is still alive, its just starting to Flower now its looking ok. im stealth growing it its tied down LST style, only been under CFL's for 1 week now as the british summer time has ended hardly enuf light it was withering so it needed it!! iv'e also taken a clone and it is rooted and growing slowly so fingures crossed!! anyway here is some pics... ill post more in few weeks!! beleive it or not it is the same plant as the first pics its taken over 6 months to get to this stage as it was a window plant most of its life!! happy stoning enjoy!!



Active Member
Bumping for Feedback!! and yes she turned out Female!! also iv'e added white paper all over the inside to refelct some light about!! :bigjoint:


Active Member
Well 2 Weeks into Flower now and iv'e Named the Plant Zeus!! Bud Sites Popping out Everywhere and it smells CRONIC!! i thought it was Home G but im Beginning to wonder?! i hav Fed it Bone Meal and Bat Guano + a little other stuff through its lifetime would that have anything to do with it becoming more potent?? anyway i have added a couple more lights and a Fan to control temps and get the stalks stronger!! Lovely Purple Stalks Showing now and The Leaves/tops of buds Beginning to Frost up!! The Clone is rooted now i think its Settled down its doing well to!! wat can i say the plant is doing lovely!!!! feedback appreciated will post more pics soon!! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
going to be a few oz there lol, go to screw and fix and get a 70 watt hps, ideal for small grows. only 25 squid.....


Active Member
going to be a few oz there lol, go to screw and fix and get a 70 watt hps, ideal for small grows. only 25 squid.....
Nice i hope so :) i Live in UK England im not sure if they have any over here ill check my local store thow thanks for that!! Feedback Greatyly Appriciated Guys Cheers!! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
With a little bit of extra TLC, and some added fert's you'll get through. Look for something with high phosphorus and potassium , i.e N-P-K (P + K higher %) And you can keep it organic as well.

Good luck bru.


Active Member
With a little bit of extra TLC, and some added fert's you'll get through. Look for something with high phosphorus and potassium , i.e N-P-K (P + K higher %) And you can keep it organic as well.

Good luck bru.
yeh im using John Innes Bone Meal and Cavemans Bat Guano seems to be doing the trick!! anyway the John Innes Stage #3 Soil has alot of goodies inside it!! thx for ur advices guys :).. and to ReAVeR, the burn was from when it was on the windowsill not getting enough light alot of the leaves got holes from the bugs and withered ect but as they hav weakened and more or less fell off its ok, few leaves are scad still but its not 2 much of a problem now as most of the nuts are goin to the budsites.. more feedback appriciated!! :joint:


Active Member
Glad to see you made something of that scrawny weed in the first pics, result :) What's the smoke like?
hehe thanks!! its not ready yet still in flower :) i wreckon another 3-5 weeks and she should be ready with some luck!! and yes its amazing wat 7 CFL's in a small space can do, the buds smell so fruity and cronic!! :) thanks for feedback more welcome!! Going to hav a cuppa Tea and Roll a Fat 1 :bigjoint: More Pics up Next Week!!


Active Member
Well 3 Weeks into 12/12 Now and She's Doing Well!! She's had Her Ferts For This Week!! Here is some Updated Pics!! Feedback Appriciated!! More Pics up Next Week!!

Enjoy :leaf:


High Time 420

Well-Known Member
she's had plenty, cant over do it now!!!

You feed once a week, thats not enough for a plant in flower!:wall:

Whats you NPK:confused: very low i bet, so she will want more! how often is she drinking too?

Thoese 7wCFL will do nothing except get in the way,complete waste of time IMO. Like the other said, get the hps from screwfix direct, 25 quid. Thats the only way to get a decent bit of bud.

I doubt she will yield anything worth writing home about unless you improve certain things; light , nutes ect. I think someone's winding you up about a couple of oz's

Also, FYI, purple stems are not usually good, it's a nute diff most of the time.

