Libertarian or fascist or racist?anyone else getting kinda tired of a few non-smokers/non-growers who spam us endlessly with their "libertarian" nonsense?
Libertarian or fascist or racist?
He didn't actually write those newsletters...
it was almost better when there were more of them and they were all spamming for rawn pawl.
now that rawn pawl has been thrown into the trash bin of american politics, with no legacy whatsoever beyond his massive amounts of racism and anti-semitism, they all seem to have gone in their own unique and annoying little directions.
You don't like meltdowns?
Something that categorizes non-growers as interlopers on this site.i can't believe how predictably that played out!
gotta think of a new word to annoy them with. any suggestions?
That's + any nouni can't believe how predictably that played out!
gotta think of a new word to annoy them with. any suggestions?
anyone else getting kinda tired of a few non-smokers/non-growers who spam us endlessly with their "libertarian" nonsense?
Please describe what you think a libertarian is and isn't. Actually never mind, draw me a penis cloud instead please.
Ironic that you try to pull the weed card too. It's democrats and republicans that have kept weed prohibition going for so long. You can't be a libertarian and be for weed prohibition. You can say you're a libertarian, but that doesn't mean a person is one though simply claiming to be.
Do most libertarians believe that pedophilia is a "voluntary agreement", or is that just you?
Pedophilia is on your mind alot. Did the bad man hurt you or was your penis firm and your anus ready? Did it cause such stress in your life you wanted to balance the scales, by striking out by defiling public bathrooms as a teen?
Do most nanny statists like you think consent means making others do what you'd like them to do?