Enough light for flowering???

Hey guys, in my small 2 x2 x 3 ft grow box i have 4 cfls. 2 are 42watt daylight 6500k and 2 are soft white 23 watt 2700k. Until today i was vegging for a total of 4 weeks and i recently adDed my carbon filter which has reduced airflow in my exhaust fan causing more heat. TOday i switched it to flowering and also took out both 6500k bulbs. This has made the box a lot cooler and i was wondering if these 2 cfls will be enough light to produce a good harvest? Or should i putt both 6500k lights back and deal with the hotter temp?Any input welcome.
Taking out those lights will severely hurt your yield. You need to find a new way to get airflow in there. If anything I would say take out the two soft whites if you have to and leave the daylight bulbs in, the daylight bulbs are way better for the plants if I remember correctly.

(rep+ if this helps lol, I'm new here)
Another thought, how bad is the odor of your grow? If it hasn't become noticeable yet maybe leave the carbon filter out for awhile longer to at least get that extra light as long as possible.


Well-Known Member
well i always like to give them the most light that i can give but it just depends on how hot its getting cause some strains can handall it if its 90 then yes leave them out but. I had the same peroblem my room was getting to hot when i would run my 600w with my 400s but it was only getting to 88 to 90 and only at 90 my plants started to show heat stress so it all just depends on if they can take it or not cause most plants will get stund at 90 or higher you need to get a fan to get the hot air out of there and get new air in
I once heard that the trichromes on marijuana were there to help stop evaporation of water in dryer climates. Strains specific to certain regions of middle east and africa are way heavier on trichromes to hold their moisture better.

"Plant trichomes are epidermal tissues located on the surfaces of leaves, petals, stems, petioles, peduncles, and seed coats depending on species. By virtue of their physical properties (size, density), trichome hairs can directly serve to protect buds of plants from insect damage, reduce leaf temperature, increase light reflectance, prevent loss of water, and reduce leaf abrasion (Wagner, 1991; Wagner et al., 2004)."

So if you do have a heat resistant strain it may even produce more trichromes if the temperature was perfect. (A small amount below the point of heat stress maybe)


Active Member
well if your flowering the best bulbs are 2700k but they give off more heat i believe as they are in the red spectrum but the 6500k are for veggin but will also help in flowering... so i say keep the all and find a way to cool them...maybe freeze a bunch of two liters of water and rotate them as they melt.. it will def bring temps down...


Active Member
also if your not already have your dark period during peak temperature times instead of cooler times of day this will also help with cooling your grow set up