enough light?


Active Member
I have now started this years grow, seemed like forever for the weather to start to come around. anyway in my seedling\veg room i have
2 26 wattCFL's
2 18 watt (natural light) CFL
2 2ft T8's
2 13 watt CFL's
with this lighting be ok for about 25 to 30 plants to grow to around foot tall or so give or take.till i can get them outside. thanks or ahould i really just cop like 4 more t5's or t8's. if this really would not be that sufficient.


Well-Known Member
you need more light.

if you take 3,000 lumens per square foot as the target light for vegging, and squeeze three fully vegged plants per square foot, then you need a total of 30,000 lumens. you have about 11,000 lumens now.

that equals thirteen more 23 watt cfl's or thirteen more 2 foot long t8's.

you can use less light but it will take a lot longer to get them 1' tall.


Active Member
all seemed to work out i have like 30 under 6 2ft t8s tookabout a month and a half to get a foot tall thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
all seemed to work out i have like 30 under 6 2ft t8s tookabout a month and a half to get a foot tall thanks for your help
well theres your answer .... if it takes a month and a half to get a foot tall then u dont have enough light..... also be carefull puttin them right out in the sun for extended periods it can sometimes shock little plants and u want the least amount of stress possible


Active Member
i wasnt really looking to ge them tall fast because they are not going out for a little while longer i guess the question was really could i keep them alive and thriving and that seems to have worked out


Well-Known Member
ok.... sure..... they will stay alive as long as u keep em in veg... people sometimes flower then re-veg em even...


Active Member
i am actuall very surprised at how much they have grown inthe last week and a half like 4in or so its crazy i did not really intend on them growing this big this quick i need to get them out but a little to early gor where im at