Enough lights? Right kind?


Well-Known Member
you trying to do 1 or 2 plants?
I have 13 bulbs for approx 3 plants. So its all dependant on everything.
Are you just trying to light an area?


Well-Known Member
8 100 watt cfls are better than 1 800w

Sorry to say this, but that's not accurate. Unless those bulbs are 'true' 100 watt bulbs, you're only getting the 23 watts that each is rated for.(I'm guessing they're 100 watt equivalents?) You have to go by actual wattage when using CFLs, because the 100 watt rating is compared to incandescents, which are useless for growing. But, 100 watts of CFL per plant is plenty for vigorous growth, given that everything else is setup correctly. Should work out really well for ya, as long as you have a HPS for bloom. :)


Well-Known Member
yah they are 100w equivlants, ill have to look for the others. Im worried about the energy bill for a hps.


Well-Known Member
i just figured at .09 a Kw for 30 days a 1000watt bulb is $ 64.80. half that for 12 on 12 off is $ 32.40.....if you cant afford half of 32.40 then dont bother to grow it.. spend your money on more important things !!


Well-Known Member
15 a month on energy or to buy it?
Think that's the energy charges he's calculated for you.

HPS you need to buy: bulb, balast, reflector? (dunno, I dont do HPS)
then you need to work on your heat, cause with an HPS you will have more heat to deal with than with CFLs.


Well-Known Member
cfls are less of an initial investment but more when the energy bill comes,
i use cfls, i use around ten 24 watters so thats 240w i would get much better plants out of a 250hps for the same energy cost, but 24w cfl are 5 for a buck.


Well-Known Member
ill look into it. yeah i dont have much room to work with so heat wont work for me. how are your plants on those 10 lights though? and how many are under it?


Well-Known Member
Maybe this kinda insight will help you!! get by for what you need and then if you plan on a"ROI" with your plants then always upgrade afterwards!! ROI= RETURN ON INVESTMENT!! if you know what im sayin!!


Well-Known Member
An 250watt hps compared to 250watts of cfl's the hps may get double the yeild compared to cfl's if you have a good bulb!! ballast bulb reflector and all will runn you bout $150-200!


Active Member
ebay has hps light system w blub 400wTT FOR 120 AND 150WATT FOR 65 i got the 150watt my first grow i did use cfls but i didnt know there was a diff between 6500k and 2700k or what ever wud it effect the plant during flowering?


Active Member
i have the 150watt in a 2 and half foot cab with a 8inch fan init with 5 new ladies so i cant to see how these turn out with the hps, my first grow is almost done(cfl) but she doesnt look like shes at her potential but maybe thats cause i didnt kno about the diffs between the 6500k n the other one