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I tucked a week after i should have on 2 and I'm thinking close to two weeks extra on the other.
Learned from these mistakes and psyched for my next scrog
cant wait for mine to look like the rest of yours
Looking like I'm going to have to deal with budrot this run potentially as my sites are seeming too close to one another
also moved my circulation fan as it was blowing too hard on the corner and leaves were curling
what is the recommend of how long after 12/12 switch do you stop tucking?

I know it's strain dependent, I just looking for an average strain answer! who likes to do what and why? just for shits and giggles, let's say a medium height strain, medium stretching, indica leaning hybrid, 8 week flower time!
how well does that wire work? I have the option to buy that, but I was planning to run string! I'm doing personal scrogs for each of my sips, they will connect to the sip and maybe be single of dbl layer. I'm lookin for different ideas and what would work best, it would be 2.5' x 2.5' each.similar to something like this?

I'm wondering if a type of wire or metal would be better than string?Screenshot_2018-11-15-13-59-18.png
what do you guys think about using this?
the mesh is 2in x 3in? but I'm worried I'll run into problems with the small holes.
any opinions???

In retrospect, I will no longer be doing any defoliation until flower, and then only removing budsites lower down below the canopy. No lower or mid level fans get cut. I got like 15% tiny buds on my last crop as I got lazy and didn’t Remove any bud sites below canopy.

Furthermore, since I had a nitrogen deficiency, the plant just transferred the nitrogen from the bottom fans to the top, and defoliated my under canopy for me. In that mistake, I learned a lot about nitrogen, defoliation, Photosynthesis and and the plants responses.

The green you see is a reflection from chlorophyll which is making you energy. I am always hesitant to remove something the plant produced for a reason. That being said, trimming lower bud sites and upper fans is modifying the plant for OUR reasons.

I have usd pipe strapping, rope, chicken wire and string for my SCROG nets. Taught string for the win. At harvest you cut and pull, and your shit is free. Use what you have but beware of SCROG nets that raise because they are not secure, sharp or tiny wire nets can cut, and whatever it is stay between 1.5-3” grid size.
OK thanks guys, I decided to do a tough string to start, 1 bc it's the cheapest, and 2 if im not happy I just cut it off and then go back to look for a type of wire!

since I already have 3/4" pvc that I used to make my totes, I thought it would be a good idea to just connect to them, that way it's all one big ass piece, and the plants can't push up the Scrog net! the mesh pattern is 3"x3"

here the prototype I'm working on!
CM181115-182729002.jpg CM181115-193152002.jpg
ive used a metal sheeting with square off an old bed frame i had its worked fine and sqaures are about 5 cm square so room to grow thru and tied down with plastic zip ties.... defokiation is a no no then i do pick the bottom leaves off tho they just seem to get in the way ... also i have one larger cola than the rest where i didnt tuck enough ill live and learn tho .... :dunce:


well this is what I ended up doing!

had the idea while in the store, since I already use 3/4" pvc pipe, I decided to add on to it! I also bought some heavy duty string, and used 2 pieces to make the grid(3"x3" mesh squares)instead of tying each one off, it seemed easier to get it tighter that way. worked pretty well, but if I find a good metal or pvc coated wire screen I'll get that and just chop off the string!

also couldnt decide if I wanted a single or dbl Scrog, so I just left the option open! just gotta add to it!