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Well-Known Member
not sure how much is like this, so i dont know about pickin them off. I cloned the lower left hand plant, which is the same strain i think. So i have 2 clones of her day 2 in water. and she looks fine. The plant on the right side, she is doing great, alot of branches, and tucked some more today. not sure what to do with the big ass branch towards the back, thinking about tiyin off on the post and get the top lower.

this kinda blows,lol


Well-Known Member
First try with a screen. I didn't drill any holes in it. I just zig zag wrapped it around the sides. I can resize any of the holes. I figure 3-4 more weeks of vege then flip. The two small plants are from trying to lst them into a circular pattern. All plants are the same age.


Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
After a rough couple of days. My circulating fan and my extraction fan both died within a day of each other..Ive hit the flip switch.
Plants in the middle will end up at the front just out of the screen (they are regs and one or both could be male- rest fems)



Well-Known Member
GML would be proud,
5 days later,

Veggs good, not sure about flower. Humidity a bit high today, like it around 63-65%. still stretching. Checked PPM for the hell of it 2 days ago, 2300ppm UGG, and the small one, 4500ppm, WTH, how is that possible,lol.. So, i ran alot thru it of 900ppm, and down to 1700 now. Let it dry out since i mini flushed her, and didnt water yesterday. Today ran new water thru at 700ppm,

I was running full strength PH perfect AN thru her, in coco.

surprising enough, shows no signed of nute stress, as to why i never checked run off. Maybe flowering a tad slow tho, thats evident,lol..

this is experimental things, tryin to decide on this light. Good for veg so far. I have FireOG that just sprouted yesterday out of the soil, and is 4 inches tall already with table light. So, im going to veg that out UNDER this plant, LOL.. Then probably chop this one out if its not putting on weight. The FireOG im going to top the heck out of her, again and again and again. I already grew it out, so i know it can take the topping well. Should have lights ( 5630 LED strips) done and ready by flower.

53 days from seed, 23 days flower. Mind you, I GML stripped them on day 15 flower, and topped a branch on the small cup plant.



Well-Known Member
day58, 28 since flip, 125 watts

Tips are brown on the small plant. I checked PPMs and it was 4000, yeah, high. So i reduced nutes, and this was the outcome. Tips were fine till i lowered to flush high PPMs out.

crazy that 10 days ago, i stripped almost every single leaf off them ,lol.. Nice comeback..


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Well-Known Member
First time really attempting scrog. Really was an lst recently put under a scrog screen that's 36"x42". My question is should I thin out some of the fan leaves to promote more node growth and close am I to filling the net for flowering?