Hey there. I am an epileptic (petit-mal/absence seizures, was diagnosed at age 12, now almost 31) who has a medical marijuana license.
I smoke to help reduce the frequency of my daytime seizures, but I find that it really helps in controlling my sleep-seizures. I usually have anywhere from 2 to as many as 10 seizures per night, even with my regimen of Carbamazepine and diet. Smoking before bed will either completely eliminate these seizures, or make it so that I sleep right through them without noticing. It's not as effective at reducing my waking-hour seizures, although I do get a bit of relief from epilepsy-induced headaches and the morning migraines that I suffer from a few times every week.
What kind of strains have you been using? I find that Indica-heavy strains work better at controlling my evening seizures (I smoke heavily right before bedtime, and then zonk out), and Sativa-heavy strains are better during the day, when I need to maintain some of my mental faculties.
I also smoke if I feel like I am right on the edge of having a seizure. I'm sure you know what I am talking about, the feeling you get right before you zone out, kind of a tunnel-vision type-of-effect, or a loss of balance, and the feeling of a loop being played over and over in your head
if I smoke when I feel like that, it will almost always trigger the seizure, and allow me to continue with the rest of my day without that horrible twitchy-seizurey feeling bouncing around my skull.
So, depending on when I use it, I can either block seizures from happening, or force them to happen. It's a mixed bag...
What kind of experiences have you had so far? I have yet to meet another epileptic with a medical marijuana license, and I'd be interested in comparing effects and experiences with you...