Eric Cantor... ousted


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how I feel about this yet.

Cantor was a well spoken, highly intelligent leader in the Republican caucas.

This guy that beat him is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is a liberal college professor.
I haven't heard anything to conclude he's a liberal, do you have examples? Or are you just assuming so because he's a college professor?


Well-Known Member
i think you can worship anything you'd like..just don't do it in my personal space.

i don't believe in religion and should have the right to have freedom from it.

i don't believe our laws and lawmakers should bring religion into the government.
You have the right to not practice any religion. but you don't have the right to tell others they may not practice theirs. And you are actually quite religious, you just don't recognize it as a religion.


Well-Known Member
and you still have not clarified your derpish statement.

was the preacher preaching on HIS OWN SHIT, or was he preaching on YOUR SHIT
he already explained this you goddamn stooge.

apparenty you reading compensation is as good as your abilities with exponents.


Well-Known Member
I got one. A pastor was friends with someone on FB that I'm friends with and was making absurd comments about how homosexuals are abominations and will be condemned to hell. I tried to explain that they're people too and should have the same rights as us 'straight' people. He proceeded to basically say I'm probably gay and won't make it to heaven. I then explained that I'm straight, but choose to be because of my own ideas not because of a "God". He insisted I must be gay, and was going to hell. Does that count?
No, you're not Schuylaar. And facebook is hardly anyone's "personal space".


Well-Known Member
Schuylaar is not comfortable with Christianity or exercise.
I'm not comfortable with Christians either, but I sure do like exercise. I liked youz fine when you were cowering in the catacombs preachin' all that brotherly love shit. before the burning and stoning nonsense.


Well-Known Member
That's a nice story bro. So democrats don't get elected - just republicans...hmm. I would never consider a republican making deals behind doors on their way up the polls. That'd be ludicrous:roll:
Did you know Hilary was ahead of Obama during the nominations when they STOPPED COUNTING VOTES and declared him the nominee? They paid for her acquiescence with the promise of the Secretary of State position. Sadly, she bungled that job so badly she can kiss her dreams of the Presidency goodbye.


Well-Known Member
I'm not comfortable with Christians either, but I sure do like exercise. I liked youz fine when you were cowering in the catacombs preachin' all that brotherly love shit. before the burning and stoning nonsense.
I'm not a Christian, so "youz" is incorrect.


Well-Known Member
While we're on the subject of tolerance, how much longer is the underclass in this country going to tolerate being treated like indentured servants? That's reason number one why I don't work in Corporate America; the slave wages they offered just weren't worth it to me.

We've replaced acceptable racism and bigotry with the acceptability of classism. That's a huge mistake and it's absolutely corrosive to the fabric of who we are as a country.
so you want to go back to racism and bigotry?