Essentials needed to get started

I know I've already posted a thread. I've looked up on youtube and read through the forums and cant find a simple one. I want to get started in growing and just want to know what things I need. What type of lights do I need, whats the best soil to get and whats the requirements of the soil. What size pots do I need and what other things do I need( fan, fertilizer, best seeds, I want low odor ones). Im planning on growing in my attic.
Thanks patners

Bayou bud

Active Member
We can't just drop a shopping list on you for your grow, as every environment differs.

Things to consider:

~You want a strong light source that has an even canopy with deep penetration to grow large buds. Your temps sould be between 65-80 day/night. Humidity should be between 30%-60% (70%+ drops the effectiveness of a filter)
~You want an oscillating fan blowing on your plants to build up strong stems to hold up big buds, to move the air in the grow space, as well as prevent mold from growing in still air.
~You want clean nutrients or soil.
~You want a clean and fresh source of water... RO filter, Filtered water you fill up at gas station, bountea filter...etc. Rainwater collector could work as well.
~You want some sort of filter to get rid of the smell of the flowers

Those are the basics that the plant needs to survive.

Bayou bud

Active Member
Lighting sources- The Sun, HID Lamps (HPS/MH), CFLs, LEDs

If you use an HID, you will want a venting system to move the hot air out and move cold air in.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How can we possibly tell you what we need if we have absolutely no idea what you wish to achieve? Think it through a second....

"Hey, could someone tell me how powerful a motorbike i should buy"

Notice how pointless that statement is without any actual information about what you want to be doing....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You sound like you have done absolutely no research. Does ti make much noise? does WHAT make much noise? Or are you unaware that fans come in just a couple o different sizes, types and makes?

Here thogh, i'll answer your completely ambiguous question with an accurate if ambiguous answre. The fan will sound like a fighter jet and you will never sleep again.
What is your problem? With all the time you wasted writing that stupid comment you could have actually answered my question. I have done research but all the research goes into complicated stuff about making a high tech growing system which is not what I want.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
With all the time wasted asking the stupid question you could have been learning ;) That argument goes both ways :D

And no, i could NOT have answered your question because you have given us NOTHING to work with. You seem to be completely missing the point. If you were to ask what kind of lighting do i need to get an ounce a pound a plant, then we could have offered you a useful answer, but no, you want to be told everything you need to have without being given any clue as to what you need it for... Are you getting it yet? :lol:

you have to be pretty special to think that someone can tell you how loud a fan is without being told what the fan in questoin is :lol:

Bayou bud

Active Member
Small desk fan- little noise. 12in inline fan... lots of noise. It depends on the size of your grow tent and what your temps are as to what your fan size should be for exhaust.

I have my tent taking up 2/3 of the volume in my bedroom. I have both a 6in exhaust and a 4in intake. I run both 24/7 and I sleep just fine at night with it in my room. There are inline fans that are nearly silent, but most cost more money, or they are more quiet but can't take the same pressure or heat.

Bayou bud

Active Member
THe fan blowing to grow the stems fat hould be on always, keeping the air circulating. The inline fans are something to add in to deal with heat and humidity exchange once you have your lighting scheme figured out.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And it alos depends what make and model fan you are using. I have two 12cm fans, one runs at 19db, the other runs at just over 200db.
@Sullieking; ok Im a newby too!! Nice to meet u! lol But for a fan, cause my grow is in a closet...I am actually using a sm..."Pelonis" (brand name), which is actually a heater but has controls to use as a fan too!! It auto circulates the air which is really cool for the whopping price of approx 15.00 at Wally mart!! (lol) It doesnt osculate but so far is doing wut I need it far as lighting...well Im new thera too! But am using a 100watt Fluorescent bulb and got my plants on top of a box to get it closer to the light...right now Im using them 24/7...hope this helps :)


Active Member
lol funny question i have. How are you gonna cool the attic durring summer? You will need an ac unit. Now how are you gonna heat it durring the winter? gonna need get a heat/ac portable unit get my drift? Now ask yourself how big of a grow space are you doing? What the guy is trying to tell ya is you give no info on what you want..


Active Member
My attic gets hot as hell in the summer and no amount of fans will make it cool. Perhaps you should look into a pc or closet grow


Well-Known Member

Here are some questions you might want to answer before getting advice on your needs:

1 - More info on your space (dimensions, availability of electric, water, ventilation, and what the climate is like hot and cold)?
2 - Do you own this space? Rent? Share it?
3 - How much are you looking to grow (one plant? a one-off of lots of plants? perpetual grow?)
4 - How much cash do you have to spend?
5- Have you grown a garden or maintained house plants before?