I like to help people too
for my chemical hydro nutes I will just try to use the elemental particals without carryers as much as possable and mix in the water to not deal with chalated probs.
I leave my water out for 1 hour wiv an air stone, my tap water is >60ppm and I also use a carbon water filter to remove heavy metals, (im lucky my taps very clean dont even need R/O)
I like to go the "whole hog" and hopefuly teachin a little as I learn, I notised that the "research" needed is not published with enough accuracy in the work to get a better mix than this! something the "shops n that" are going to hate me for showing anyone who can understand when I publish my findings on RIU.
At my cost of 10p a litre with any old boxed garden organic ingreadent/ 24 hours research, I bet they dont want ya to know how cheap there £25 a litre stuff "could" be! lol
I hope u think this is a good tutorial, I dont know if anyone realy cares or understands the why? but I do and I think there are lots like me
I also want to learn about benifial bacteria, when I get a cheap microscope/time! lol