ya man, took 2 before a Ratdog/Allmond Brothers Band (in that order), it was awesome. i wanted to do acid, but i was driving so. i was dancing and shit, it was fun but i heard it puts holes in your brain, of course thats what they say about nugs too tho...
do the research, that shit doest put holes in ur brain!! every time u take that shit it destroys ur neuro sensors that give u that HAPPY feeling. and i know this from personal experience i did ex about 25 times or so this summer and got addicted to it, then quit and now i'mm even more depressed then ever. Life sucks, yes its an awesome drug, but is it really worth it feeling like shit the rest of your life? No not for me at least!
If your going to do it do it in moderation!! like once a month topS!
I've taken X maybe 100 times and I liked it every time but I won't do it ever again.
The last time I did it I broke a pill in half by accident but took it anyway. I had tasted the nasty dust before but this was a whole new level. It tasted like draino smells. That freaked me out and I realized I had no fucking idea what was going into these pills and I didn't want to get hooked on meth or speed while doing X.
holes in brain. inconclusive.
your talking about a study put on by the government over 10 years ago.
its propaganda. it has nothing to do with neuron sensors. but neurotransmitters. the chemical serotonin. and yes you can deplete it, yes you can damage your brain.
but holes in your brain is disinformation.
3. Meth is not physically addictive true, it's all in your mind like pot
they usually run 10 bucks a pop