Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

Out of this world first time you take em - they're not the same today though, totally different buzz - more of a monged out ness - back in day they used to be a real uplifting jump around upper. My 2p

Ive had the uplifting energetic one

and the Monged out one...I really like the monged out one too.....well...I did smoke weed from come up to comedown so that could have made a differnce lol.

But yea,I like E a lot....only done it twice......Pretty weak sauce since I call myself a raver......But hey...Ill be the smartest person at the rave since everyone did to much E...

I plan on doing E one more time though....this friday for my friends 21st Bday
I apologize if anything I say has already been said, but the first few pages were redundant so I skipped ahead a bit.

Anywho, it is a pretty amazing drug, especially in the rave scene. However, you've got to watch out -- it has some pretty gnarly long term side effects. And that's just the MDMA base we're talking about. Today's pills are cut with arrays of chemicals; everything from speed to mescaline to meth. In fact, I recently read a report on the news that said over 50% of pills confiscated were tested positive for being cut with meth. Bad shit...

Also, if you think you're going to be able to match a pill to a website and know what the pill is cut with, think again... People change their recipes, stamp presses, etc, all the time. And the color is simply food coloring. Never rely on anyone but the [hopefully trustworthy] person you are getting them from.

I'm the type of person who doesn't have problems with addictions. I've used them on several occasions (fewer than 10 times) all at music events. (Global 2008 @ Redrocks CO was awesome! deadmau5!!!) However, I am aware of how useless I feel the next day and am not to fond of it.

And Benassi... Benny ol' boy... I had some of those orange Buddhas not to long ago (both the 1st gen and 2nd gen) here in Colorado. They were cut with a fuck load of caffeine. Had me going all night. Good stuff...

no one I know cut's shit into their mdma, but I laugh my ass off at all the e tards that say "yeah the blue dolphins are the best, but there speed based" or "Yellow supermans are great but there H based" I just think in my head you have no idea retard!:mrgreen:

And here is a little addional info all xtc pills are cut but only with a filler(powder color) and a color and then pressed giving blue yellow white red and what ever they press in it like a dolphin or superman ect.

:peace: and X is one of the greatest drugs

The other day I was hanging out with a bunch of rave kids and they were educating me on ecstacy. Well one of the kids was, you could tell he had his shit together. Anyway, he was telling me that you have to cut MDMA with something because MDMA has a hard time bonding to itself. So you have to cut it with something, or it's a very unstable pill. And I'm pretty sure most MDMA pills are cut with something, especially out west were Meth is abundant.
And I'm pretty sure most MDMA pills are cut with something, especially out west were Meth is abundant.

To clarify for you, all ecstasy pills are cut with something -- that's what makes them ecstasy. If is was pure MDMA, it would be called Molly, not ecstasy. And Molly is generally sold as powder in capsules. 10$/.10g.

The other day I was hanging out with a bunch of rave kids and they were educating me on ecstacy. Well one of the kids was, you could tell he had his shit together. Anyway, he was telling me that you have to cut MDMA with something because MDMA has a hard time bonding to itself. So you have to cut it with something, or it's a very unstable pill. And I'm pretty sure most MDMA pills are cut with something, especially out west were Meth is abundant.

There are still a lot of pure pills out there(yes they have to be cut with something like cellulose to make it into a pill, but I dont consider that a "cut" like methamphetamine. even pharmaceutical drugs need filler)...its just theres a lot more that are cut with something like meth or caffeine or aspirin or stupid shit like that...I got a pure pill the other day, but it was sortve week....the orange sumos that are around LA right now are pure, but weaksauce, not a big enough dose of mdma Ecstasy Lab Testing & Analysis Results - Ecstasy Pill Reports
so has anyone here been to a rave, its the greatest experience ever....especially all the big raves like electric daisy carnival, monster massive, together as one, I would do that shit every weekend if I could. Peace Love Unity Respect, thats what the rave scenes all about.
I used to love the raves here in the states... Then I discovered that they are for school girls and pussies. This, of course, coming from the experience of some European raves. Ever heard of Sensation Black?

When I go to Europe next year I'm going to check out a Rave if I'm around one. The first time I did E I went to a Rave. That drug is made to party man haha. Like, it is made for that kind of close quarters, body heat, gyrating, throbbing, electric, bass-thumping, and glow stick twirling kind of environment. Hell, I had a lot of fun rolling but that drug is just not my scene. If I went to a rave again I'd prolly just dose on acid. It's more of my style. Or maybe both 0.o (what's that called again, hippie flipping?).
lmfao. i hate bunk pills, i don't know much about the ecstacy itself. i just want to have a good roll, and a good peak plus wiggly eyes. your jaw is clenching, wow thats it.

i took 8 in a night back in my hayday, i remember the 2 doublestacked blue supermans and after that it was pretty much a blur, to this day i only remember a few things like being at the beach and face planting into the surf, making sand angels, spinning my poi so fast the chain broke on one of them and passing in and out of it at random times. Everything was fun and cool till the last part. I havent touched them since, and dont plan to ever again. thats just me. Acid on the other hand, if i could get ahold of some good acid again, and get to a daft punk concert. Then I would be a happy camper and call my acid days done for good too. I just think I have one more really good acid ride left in me.
I've done tons of E (not boasting) and I've never had any visuals more than things having a purple tinge to them... I love trying to read though, as everything is blurry..

i never had visuals either. just increased sensitivity to light and sound. and i clench my jaw and bite my lip. i dont like ho spun the stuff got me. it was probably meth based. now i can get fresh pure mdma from the next door neighbor. not that i will, but it is there.
Amazing! Techno is the greatest thing on the world after a few pills! And hugs, the hugs were the best. Everybody feels like your best friend. THe only problem is the two days of a sore jaw after, and maybe swollen lip
i absolutley LOVE the rave scene! ive been to about 7 raves over the last 2 years but they are the best experiences.. everybody is your friend! you can talk to ANYBODY and they are always nice...theres no predisposed judgement, all races, sexualitys, and religions just get together and party thier ASSES off with each other

the use of ecstacy can be powerful in large groups...

i only do x at raves i used to do a lot back before i ever went to a rave, like at least 5 pills a night every friday and saturday for about 5 months was the time of my life BUT i do get a lot more anxiety than i used to and getting all those crazy lightshows and looking at bright ass lights all the time while your pupils are the size of a dime kinda has affected my vision...not terribly but i can tell the difference