Estimate ounces on this big thing


Well-Known Member
fucking lovly omg id love to get those monsters this summer but fuck 8 months to long but im guessing about a pound and a half =24 ounces so 24 ounces is my guess


Well-Known Member
the pics were hard to tell, the size, it looked bigger in the shed.
have you chopped it yet?.
next time plant in the ground, that would be a sight, with all that aussie sun.
anymore pics, how many feet tall are they?.


Well-Known Member
wow impressive. I am sure that being down in Australia the sun is probably more powerful than in the mid atlantic united states. If you were to grow in mexico or somewhere right on the equator line, the sun would be so intense you would get 12 ft tall plants with yields of multiple pounds. That is an awesome grow though, inspiration for all of us outdoor growers! Great job , Mate!


Active Member
yeh, i agree fellas, it does look funny, i have given it the chop, it's hanging for 5 days then going in jars to cure, i would say atleast 30 ounces 'dry', stay tuned as the other one is nearly ready now and it is bigger. it does look funny, its not me it's the climate so i am sure you could all grow the same as me with conditions like Aus. my next plant is 18 foot round and 8 foot tall. i appreciate all the well dones fellas and showing you fellow growers, atleast i dont have to worry about some bastard ripping it, if i were to show mates or others the plants in real life, cheers


Well-Known Member
this honestly is a creature from god.
thank you lord above for this monsters, oh yeah and i guess bow helped it a little bit :)


Active Member
haven't chopped the other one yet mate, it's still throwing white hairs and getting thicker buds, but its only ment to take 8-9 weeks flowering and tomorrow makes 8 weeks exactly,,,i'm not bragging as i know it was mainly aussie sun but this next plant is special, it would be six metres all way arround, i gradually pulled main stem down with string attatched to tent peg, every couple of days i would pull down more being careful not to snap it. this plant is in a 50 litre container with own resivour underneath, i gave it full strenght ionic grow-10mm to every litre water every watering and this thing was drinking 20 litres a day, i would give it 10 litres in morning and by lunchtime soil was dry and resivour is empty, so another 10 to get through rest of day. this, direct sunlight for 9 hours of the day and 32 degree average temps all help in growing plants this big. i hope to remove it from shed with in a week and i gaurantee it will be the widest bushiest plant seen on this forum 'maybe'


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol I almost was like wait aminute 32 degree temps that would kill any plant that cold but forgot austarilia uses that funy money temp Celcius lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol yeah your on funny money temps too then lol..It still so great to see coming on here people in every part of the world are growing and have tricks of the trade to tell.It makes me smile to know in Bulgari there is a hidden garden in a closet lol


Well-Known Member
it's Bulgaria :) not Bulgari!!!when i was reading the basic knowledge for growing, i was confused with this fahrenheid,inch,feet,ounce,gallon and other shit.....LOL