Estimated Bud Yield

the yield will depend on the srain you are growing. 18 gallon pot!! thats a huge pot man! On my first outdoor grow I grew two OG kush clones in 5 gallon pots with no trellis work. They grew to be 8 feet tall from the bottom of the container to the top. Each plant yielded a little more than 8 ounces. Now OG is notorious for being a small yielding plant, so I don't think you should have any problem meeting your hopes if you keep taking good care of her as you have been! Respect
yeah im excited to find out the yield on her. shes only the second female ive grown its become a passion to get involved. stretching the branches works wonders im going to do this in the future as well.
Damn I havent been on here in forever! I got at least a Pound off of her. Sad thing was she got a little stem rot a little bit over half way up the plants main stalk.. And if I didnt get her top 1/3 cut off I was afraid that she would be using too much energy trying to keep the top alive. But still a great yield I am not going to let mold/rot happen again! I sprayed with isopropal alcohol and it didnt help me at all.


Well-Known Member
That plant was from last year. OP thanks for the update I told you it would yield. keepem green dirrtyd